
Guiding note on pre-departure orientation topics

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Guía práctica para el examen de expedientes

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Practical Guide for Dossier Examination

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για την εξέταση φακέλων

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Praxisleitfaden für die Aktenprüfung

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Практическо ръководство за преглед на досиета

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Navodilo za orientacijske teme pred odhodom

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Notă de orientare privind subiectele orientării înainte de plecare

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
