
Richtsnoer: Irak

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Iraq in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Wytyczne: Irak

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Iraq in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Notă de îndrumare: Irak

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Iraq in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Smernice: Irak

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Iraq in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Vägledning: Irak

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Iraq in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Wytyczne: Afganistan

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Afghanistan in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Study on Language Assessment for Determination of Origin of Applicants for International Protection - Executive summary

The executive summary of this feasibility study and cost assessment describes options for the EUAA to provide assistance for EU+ countries in the field of language assessment for determining the country of origin of applicants for international protection.


Country Guidance: Iraq (June 2022)

Common analysis and guidance note

This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Iraq, focussing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.

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