
EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability

The purpose of the EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability is to define the overarching framework within which the EUAA will develop its work related to vulnerability in supporting EU Member States and associated countries (EU+ countries).


Ábhar Sícoideachais a rolladh amach maidir le hAnacair Shíceolaíoch do Thuismitheoirí agus do Leanaí

Treoracha d’Oifigigh Chéad Líne Ag Obair i bhFáiltiú

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Despliegue del material psicoeducativo sobre estrés psicológico para progenitores y menores

Instrucciones para los funcionarios de primera línea Trabajar en el ámbito de la acogida

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Psühholoogilist pinget käsitleva ning lapsevanematele ja lastele suunatud psühhopedagoogilise materjali kasutuselevõtt

Juhised esmatasandi ametnikele Töötamine vastuvõtmisel

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Psykopedagoginen materiaali vanhempien ja lasten psyykkiseen ahdistukseen

Ohjeet ensimmäisen linjan virkailijoille Työskentely vastaanotossa

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Déploiement du matériel psychoéducatif sur la détresse psychologique auprès des parents et des enfants

Instructions à l’intention des agents d’accueil (agents de première ligne)

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Diffusione di materiale psicoeducativo sulla sofferenza psicologica tra genitori e minori

Istruzioni per i funzionari di prima linea Lavorare nell’ambito dell’accoglienza

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:


Distribucija psihoedukativnih materijala roditeljima i djecio psihološkoj potresenosti

Upute za službenike na terenu Rad u području prihvata

These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:
