Juridiskā analīze Pierādījumu un ticamības novērtēšana Kopējās Eiropas patvēruma sistēmas kontekstā
This judicial analysis scrutinises how, in the context of the CEAS, members of courts and tribunals should either review the evidence and credibility assessment undertaken by the determining authority (or court or tribunal of lower instance) or carry out evidence and credibility assessment themse
Judicial analysis on Evidence and credibility assessment
in the context of the Common European Asylum System
Analiza sądowa: Procedury azylowe i zasada non-refoulement
This analysis provides a general introduction setting out the legal framework and an overview of the rules of interpretation of the APD (recast).
Tiesiskā analīze: Patvēruma procedūras un neizraidīšanas princips
This analysis provides a general introduction setting out the legal framework and an overview of the rules of interpretation of the APD (recast).
Judicial analysis on Asylum procedures and the principle of non-refoulement
This analysis provides a general introduction setting out the legal framework and an overview of the rules of interpretation of the APD (recast).
Judicial analysis on Qualification for international protection
Directive 2011/95/EU
This judicial analysis provides a general introduction setting out the objectives and structure of the analysis, an overview of the rules of interpretation of the recast Qualification Directive (QD (recast)) and a presentation of applications for international protection and the limited scope for