
Ghid practic privind furnizarea de informații în cadrul procedurii Dublin

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Guida pratica sull’erogazione di informazioni nella procedura Dublino

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktisk vägledning om att lämna information i Dublinförfarandet

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktická príručka o poskytovaní informácií v rámci dublinského konania

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktische gids voor informatieverstrekking in de Dublinprocedure

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


praktinės gairės dėl informacijos teikimo vykdant Dublino procedūrą

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par informācijas sniegšanu Dublinas procedūrā

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Additional recommendations on Dublin transfers under COVID-19

This document aims to support the Member State authorities in safely organising and carrying out Dublin transfers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support the Member States in the implementation of the Dublin III regulation during the pandemic.
