
Il-Qafas ta’ Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità tat-Taħriġ

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Apmācības kvalitātes nodrošināšanas ietvarstruktūra

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Mokymo kokybės užtikrinimo sistema

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Quadro di garanzia della qualità della formazione

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Képzési minőségbiztosítási keretrendszer

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Okvir osiguranja kvalitete osposobljavanja

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


An Creat um Dhearbhú Cáilíochta Oiliúna

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.


Rámec zabezpečenia kvality odbornej prípravy

The publication describes the EUAA Training Quality Assurance Framework as endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director number 059/2022.
