
EASO Sona Erdirme Maddelerinin Uygulanmasına İlişkin Uygulama Kılavuzu

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


EASO. Ghid practic privind aplicarea clauzelor de încetare a protecției

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


EASO. Poradnik praktycznydotyczący stosowaniaklauzul ustania

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


EASO praktiskā rokasgrāmata par statusa zaudēšanas atrunu pielietošanu

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


EASO statuso panaikinimo sąlygų taikymo praktinis vadovas

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Guida pratica sull’applicazione delle clausole di cessazione

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Guide pratique de l’EASO: l’application des clauses de cessation

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Practical guide on the application of cessation clauses

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.
