5.1. Comprehensive approaches to identify and support children and applicants with special needs

The German BAMF published updated methodology for the identification of vulnerable persons in the asylum procedure, which provides detailed guidance and identifies special procedural guarantees. In addition, the organisation developed two forms for transmitting data to ensure that information flows rapidly to the authorities responsible at the federal and federal-state levels.1308
In Portugal, a new sub-working group was established to foster cooperation and coordination between stakeholders involved in the identification and referral of applicants with special needs. The sub-group is organised under the umbrella of the Single Operative Group, established in 2020 to improve cooperation in general in the asylum procedure, reception and integration.
The Icelandic Ministry of Education established a steering group on refugee children’s issues. The group was tasked to monitor the situation of refugee children, provide advice, assess government measures and ensure that measures are aligned with international standards.1309
The UN Human Rights Committee issued its Concluding Observations on Ireland with recommendations. It requested the government to establish a robust system of vulnerability assessments.1310
A legislative proposal amending the Refugee Act was approved by the Council of Ministers in Cyprus. If adopted by the parliament, the Asylum Service will be obliged to obtain a health care professional’s advice for an applicant’s ability to be interviewed.1311 The Cyprus Refugee Council underlined that standard operating procedures and referral pathways were still lacking, even though authorities were working on their elaboration. The organisation acknowledged that in the meantime the vulnerability team conducts regular meetings to discuss challenges and harmonise approaches on identification and follow-up.1312
Face-to-face training was co-organised by OFPRA, UNHCR, and the Asylum Directorate with the participation of the Red Cross for various stakeholders working with unaccompanied minors in France. The Asylum Directorate developed an online version of the training, which would be deployed soon. The directorate also financed training courses organised by specialised partners. In addition, the Themis association launched a guide to the asylum procedure for unaccompanied minors in February 2022 with the financial support of the French Ministry of the Interior. Training for reception staff on vulnerabilities was ongoing, with three regions covered in 2022.
The Greek RIS, with support from the EUAA, created and deployed a team of case management reception assistants for reception facilities under its responsibility throughout Greece. Their task was to ensure the identification of needs, referral and follow-up for all persons residing in reception facilities. A standard operating procedure was drafted to create a harmonised system for case management in first- and second-line reception. The NGO Network for Children’s Rights highlighted gaps in the identification of vulnerable applicants after the launch of the online registration platform for applying for international protection (see Section 4.1). The organisation encouraged the relevant ministry to set up an identification system that addresses these gaps.1313 The Greek Council for Refugees observed delays in vulnerability assessments and referrals, which led to applicants being interviewed prior to establishing their eventual specific needs.1314
On 31 December 2022, the ESTIA II scheme – designed to accommodate vulnerable applicants – ended in Greece. Applicants were transferred to larger mainland structures.1315 Several civil society organisations and UNHCR expressed their concern about the modalities of the move and the fact that the needs of vulnerable applicants could not be adequately addressed in larger facilities. (see Section 4.7).1316
The Human Rights Committee of the Seimas in Lithuania discussed the situation of applicants, and its chairperson highlighted that the committee had repeatedly raised the lack of vulnerability assessment criteria as an issue. The committee also noted that psychological support was rarely available in reception facilities.1317 The Lithuanian Red Cross published a thematic monitoring report on the rights of vulnerable groups in reception and detention centres. The organisation concluded that the availability of vulnerability assessments and support services significantly improved in the second half of 2022, due to a decrease in the number of residents, newly-employed specialists and the freedom of movement which allowed foreigners to choose the services independently. However, it noted that the newly-established reception agency should design an effective system for identifying vulnerabilities.1318
The Danish Immigration Service launched a tender for providing accommodation to applicants who cannot receive the necessary support within ordinary reception centres. These profiles include applicants suffering from mental and physical disabilities, substance abuse, trauma or mental illness. This service was previously offered by a different service provider, but the Immigration Service did not renew the contract due to unsatisfactory collaboration.1319 The new centre, operated by the Red Cross, started operating in Sjælsmark as a separate, independent centre from the already-existing ordinary reception facility.1320
The Romanian Ombudsperson carried out visits to several reception facilities throughout 2022. In Marumures–Somcuta Mare, recommendations were made to organise training for staff on identifying and supporting persons with special needs.1321 In Giurgiu, the Ombudsperson recommended adjustments to make all areas accessible for persons with physical disabilities and set up a special, fully-accessible room for their accommodation.1322
Improving vulnerable applicants’ reception conditions and support, the Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) and AIDRom launched the second part of their AMIF-funded project, “Complex social assistance for asylum applicants”. Among other services, the project offers accommodation and support to vulnerable applicants in Bucharest and Timișoara for a maximum of 6 months.1323
The Italian NGO Don Bosco 2000 launched its Child Safeguarding Policy, which ensures that all staff are specifically trained and their work is adequately monitored.1324
Input from the Swiss NGO Platform for Human Rights to the Universal Periodic Review of Switzerland highlighted gaps in the detection of applicants with special needs and suggested to address these through the involvement of trained translators and systematic access to medical care.1325 Asylex added that follow-up measures and referral to medical professionals were particularly sporadic for applicants in the Dublin procedure.1326
The AIDA report for Bulgaria highlighted persisting gaps in the identification of applicants’ vulnerabilities at registration and their follow-up during the asylum procedure. The report notes, for example, that social reports are prepared for unaccompanied children, but these are rarely shared with asylum case officers.1327
The Finnish Non-Discrimination Ombudsperson launched a project monitoring the identification of and support to vulnerable persons in return procedures. The project aims to help authorities develop structure and guidance in the preparation for the return of a vulnerable person, since the Ombudsperson identified some weaknesses in previous monitoring projects.1328
In Belgium, in addition to efforts made by national authorities (see Sections 5.2 and 5.6), the civil society organisation NANSEN organised a workshop on several dimensions of special needs, including applicants with disabilities, applicants with health issues, victims of torture and LGBTIQ+ applicants.1329
- 1308Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. (2022, October 6). Konzept: Die Identifizierung vulnerabler Personen im Asylverfahren [Concept: The identification of vulnerable people in the asylum procedure]. https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/AsylFluechtlingsschutz/konzept-identifizierung-vulnerable-personen.html; Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. (2022, October 6). Meldebogen personenbezogene Daten zur Durchführung der Anhörung im Asylverfahren nach § 8 Abs. 1b AsylG und Hinweis auf eventuelle Vulnerabilitäten [Registration form for personal data for conducting the interview in the asylum procedure in accordance with Section 8 (1b) AsylG and reference to any vulnerabilities]. https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/AsylFluechtlingsschutz/meldung-identifizierung-vulnerable-personen.html
- 1309Icelandic Ministry of Education and Children's Affairs | Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytið. (2022, April 22). Óttarr Proppé leiðir stýrihópa um málefni barna á flótta og barna af erlendum uppruna [Óttarr Proppé leads steering groups on refugee children and children of foreign origin]. https://www.stjornarradid.is/efst-a-baugi/frettir/stok-frett/2022/04/22/Ottarr-Proppe-leidir-styrihopa-um-malefni-barna-a-flotta-og-barna-af-erlendum-uppruna/
- 1310United Nations Inernational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (2023, January 26). Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of Ireland. CCPR/C/IRL/CO/5. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CCPR%2FC%2FIRL%2FCO%2F5&Lang=en; Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. (2022, July 27). UN Committee Identifies Priority Matters for State Action: Commission welcomes UN Human Rights Committee’s Concluding Observations on Ireland’s Human Rights Record. https://www.ihrec.ie/un-committee-identifies-priority-matters-for-state-action/
- 1311Περί Προσφύγων (Τροποποιητικός) (Αρ. 2) Νόμος του 2022 [The Refugees Law of 2022 (Amendment)(No. 2)]. 10 November 2022. https://www.nomoplatform.cy/bills/o-peri-prosfygon-tropopoiitikos-nomos-toy-2022-2/
- 1312AIDA Cyprus (2023). Country Report: Cyprus - 2022 Update. Edited by ECRE. Written by Cyprus Refugee Council https://ecre.org/2022-update-aida-country-report-cyprus/
- 1313Network for Children's Rights | Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού. (February 2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/network_for_children_rights.pdf
- 1314AIDA Greece (2023). Country Report: Greece - 2023 Update. Edited by ECRE. Written by Greek Council for Refugees. Link to be inserted when published
- 1315Ministry of Migration and Asylum | Υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου. (2023, January 4). Ολοκληρώθηκε το πρόγραμμα φιλοξενίας αιτούντων άσυλο σε αστικά διαμερίσματα «ΕΣΤΙΑ» [The program for hosting asylum seekers in urban apartments " ESTIA " has been completed]. https://migration.gov.gr/oloklirothike-to-programma-filoxenias-aitoynton-asylo-se-astika-diamerismata-estia/
- 1316Refugee Support Aegean. (2022, December 22). A step backwards for protection and integration: on the termination of the ESTIA II housing programme for asylum applicants. https://rsaegean.org/en/termination-of-the-estia-ii-for-asylum-applicants/; Network for Children's Rights | Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού. (February 2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/network_for_children_rights.pdf; Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Greece. (February 2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/drc_greece.docx; Greek Council for Refugees | Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες. (February 2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/greek_council_for_refugees.docx
- 1317SEIMAS of the Republic of Lithuania | Lietuvos Respublikos SEIMAS. (2022, September 14). Seimo Žmogaus teisių komiteto pranešimas: komitetas kritiškai vertina migrantų apgręžimo praktikos taikymą ir dar kartą ragina institucijas patvirtinti aiškius asmenų pažeidžiamumo vertinimo kriterijus [Report of the Human Rights Committee of the Seimas: the committee is critical of the application of the practice of targeting migrants and once again calls on the institutions to approve clear criteria for assessing the vulnerability of individuals]. https://www.lrs.lt/sip/portal.show?p_r=35403&p_k=1&p_t=282217
- 1318Lithuanian Red Cross | Lietuvos Raudonasis Kryžius (2022): Summary of the monitoring report on the guarantee and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups in reception and detention centres for foreigners. https://redcross.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/LRC-Monitoring-Report-2022.pdf
- 1319Immigration Office | Udlændingestyrelsen. (2022, February 11). Forberedelserne til nyt udbud er i gang [Preparations for a new tender are underway]. https://us.dk/nyheder/2022/februar/forberedelserne-til-nyt-udbud-er-i-gang/
- 1320Immigration Office | Udlændingestyrelsen. (2022, October 14). Orienteringsmøde om etableringen af Omsorgscenter Øst i Sjælsmark [Orientation meeting about the establishment of Care Center East in Sjælsmark]. https://us.dk/nyheder/2022/oktober/orienteringsmoede-om-etableringen-af-omsorgscenter-oest-i-sjaelsmark/
- 1321Advocate institution - Office of the Ombudsman | Avocatul poporului. (2022). Raport privind vizita desfăşurată la Centrul Regional de Cazare și Proceduri pentru. Solicitanții de Azil Somcuta Mare [Report on the visit to the Regional Accommodation Center and Procedures for. Asylum seekers Somcuta Mare]. https://igi.mai.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Raportul-Avocatul-Poporului-C.-Maramures.pdf General Inspectorate of Immigration | Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări. (2022, August 5). Răspuns la raportul Avocatului Poporului privind vizita la Centrul Regional de Proceduri și Cazare a Solicitanților de Azil Maramureș, Somcuta Mare [Reply to the report of the Ombudsperson on the visit to the Maramures, Somcuta Mare Regional Centre for Procedures and Accommodation of Asylum Applicants]. https://igi.mai.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Raspunsul-Inspectoratului-General-pentru-Imigrari-.pdf
- 1322Advocate institution - Office of the Ombudsman | Avocatul poporului. (2022, April 15). Raport privind vizita desfăşurată la Centrul Regional de Cazare și Proceduri pentru. Solicitanții de Azil Giurgiu la data de 15 aprilie 2022 [Report on the visit to the Regional Accommodation Center and Procedures for Asylum applicants Giurgiu on 15 April 2022]. https://igi.mai.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Raport-Avocatul-Poporului-C.-Giurgiu.pdf; General Inspectorate for Immigration | Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrari. (2022, July 11). Răspuns la raportul Avocatului Poporului privind vizita la Centrul Regional de Proceduri și Cazare a Solicitanților de Azil Giurgiu [Reply to the report of the Ombudsperson on the visit to the Giurgiu Regional Centre for Procedures and Accommodation of Asylum Applicants]. https://igi.mai.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Raspuns-IGI-Avocatul-Poporului-C.-Giurgiu-1.pdf
- 1323Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) | Consiliul Național Român pentru Refugiați. (2020, February 3). Comunicat de presa aprobat - etapa a II a_ACASA FAMI [Approved press release - stage II a_ACASA FAMI]. https://www.cnrr.ro/index.php/ro/gallery-categories/first-gallery/477-comunicat-de-presa-aprobat-etapa-a-ii-a-acasa-fami-20-02-03-02
- 1324Don Bosco 2000. (2022). Policy per la tutela dei bambini [Child safeguarding policy]. https://donbosco2000.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/CHILD-SAFEGUARDING-POLICY-CSP-DON-BOSCO-2000.pdf
- 1325Swiss NGO Platform for Human Rights. (July 2022). Contribution of the Swiss NGO Platform for Human Rights: Universal Periodic Review of Switzerland, 4th Cycle. https://www.humanrights.ch/cms/upload/pdf/2022/220720_UPR_Bericht_NGO_Plattform.pdf
- 1326Asylex. (February 2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/asylex.pdf
- 1327AIDA Bulgaria. (2023). Country Report: Bulgaria - 2022 Update. Edited by ECRE. Written by Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. https://asylumineurope.org/wpcontent/uploads/2023/03/AIDA-BG_2022update.pdf
- 1328Finnish Ombudsman | Yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettu. (2022, February 28). Hanke haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien henkilöiden maastapoistamisesta [Project on the removal of vulnerable persons from the country]. https://syrjinta.fi/-/hanke-haavoittuvassa-asemassa-olevien-henkiloiden-maastapoistamisesta
- 1329NANSEN. (2022, October 6). Colloque du 30 septembre - sources et documentation. https://nansen-refugee.be/2022/10/06/colloque-du-30-septembre-sources-et-documentation/