Medical country of origin information (MedCOI)
A general trend was noted toward conducting more research on Medical Country of Origin information (MedCOI), with Switzerland increasing its capacity to handle medical-related topics. The EUAA published reports on the provision of healthcare in Bangladesh,815Ghana816 and Vietnam,817 alongside topical publications on pulmonary disease and Diabetes Mellitus in Ghana.818 Additionally, Asylos published a report on schizophrenia and autism in Bangladesh.819
- 815European Union Agency for Asylum. (June 2023). Medical Country of Origin Information. Healthcare Provision in Bangladesh.
- 816European Union Agency for Asylum. (July 2023). Medical Country of Origin Information. Healthcare Provision in Ghana.
https:/coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2023_07_EUAA_MedCOI_Report_Ghana_Healthcare_provision.pdf - 817European Union Agency for Asylum. (August 2023). Medical Country of Origin Information. Provision of Healthcare in Vietnam.
- 818European Union Agency for Asylum. (December 2023). Medical Country of Origin Information: Ghana Pulmonology.
- 819Asylos. (October 2023). Bangladesh, Schizophrenia and autism: Treatment, services and societal attitudes.