Home Country Guidance Nigeria 2021 5. Internal protection alternative Table of Contents Introduction Guidance note Actors of persecution and serious harm Refugee status Guidance on particular profiles Subsidiary protection Article 15(a) QD Article 15(b) QD Article 15(c) QD Actors of protection Internal protection alternative Part of the country Safety Travel and admittance Reasonableness to settle Exclusion a. Crime against peace, war crime or crime against humanity b. Serious (non-political) crime c. Acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN d. Danger to the community or the security of the Member State Common analysis General remarks 1. Actors of persecution or serious harm Preliminary remarks 1.1. Overview: areas of control and/or activity 1.2. The Nigerian State and state-affiliated actors 1.3. Non-State actors 1.3.1. Boko Haram, including JAS, ISWAP and Ansaru 1.3.2. Militant groups in the Niger Delta 1.3.3. Separatist movements 1.3.4. Herders and farmers and communal militias 1.3.5. Student cults 1.3.6. Traffickers and trafficking networks 1.3.7. Other criminal groups 1.3.8. Other non-State actors 2. Refugee status Preliminary remarks Analysis of particular profiles 2.1. Individuals targeted by Boko Haram 2.2. (Perceived) Boko Haram members or supporters 2.3. Members of separatist movements and individuals perceived as supporting them 2.4. Members of militant groups in the Niger Delta and individuals perceived as supporting them 2.5. Members and perceived supporters of political parties 2.6. Individuals involved in and affected by conflicts between herders and farmers 2.7. Human rights activists, bloggers, journalists and other media workers 2.8. Christian and Muslim minorities in specific areas 2.9. Individuals accused of witchcraft 2.10. Individuals with albinism 2.11. Individuals fearing ritual killing 2.12. Individuals refusing chieftaincy titles 2.13. Individuals targeted by student cults 2.14. LGBTIQ persons 2.15. Victims of human trafficking, including forced prostitution 2.16. Women and girls 2.16.1. Violence against women and girls: overview 2.16.2. Violence against women and girls by Boko Haram and treatment post-violence 2.16.3. Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) 2.16.4. Child marriage and forced marriage 2.17. Children 2.18. Persons with disabilities or severe medical issues, including mental health issues 2.19. Individuals accused of crimes in Nigeria 3. Subsidiary protection 3.1. Article 15(a) QD 3.2. Article 15(b) QD 3.3. Article 15(c) QD Preliminary remarks 3.3.1. Armed conflict (international or internal) 3.3.2. Qualification of a person as a ‘civilian’ 3.3.3. Indiscriminate violence Indicators of indiscriminate violence Assessment by state A-D Abia Abuja/ Federal Capital Territory Adamawa Akwa Ibom Anambra Bauchi Bayelsa Benue Borno Cross River Delta E-K Ebonyi Edo Ekiti Enugu Gombe Imo Jigawa Kaduna Kano Katsina Kebbi Kogi Kwara L-Z Lagos Nasarawa Niger Ogun Ondo Osun Oyo Plateau Rivers Sokoto Taraba Yobe Zamfara 3.3.4. Serious and individual threat 3.3.5. Qualification of the harm as ‘threat to (a civilian’s) life or person 3.3.6. Nexus/’by reason of’ 4. Actors of protection 4.1. The State 4.2. Parties or organisations 5. Internal protection alternative Preliminary remarks 5.1. Part of the country 5.2. Safety 5.3. Travel and admittance 5.4. Reasonableness to settle 5.4.1. General situation 5.4.2. Individual circumstances 5.4.3. Conclusions on particular profiles 6. Exclusion Preliminary remarks 6.1. Exclusion grounds 6.1.1. Crime against peace, war crime, or crime against humanity 6.1.2. Serious (non-political) crime 6.1.3. Acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN 6.1.4. Danger to the community or the security of the Member State 6.2. Relevant circumstances 6.2.1.Crimes committed by state forces and state-affiliated forces 6.2.2 Crimes committed by non-state armed forces 6.2.3. Criminal activity 6.2.4.Other types of violence 6.3.Guidance with regard to Nigeria Abbreviations and glossary Country of origin information references Relevant case law Share Stampa This chapter looks into the topic of internal protection alternative (IPA). The contents of this chapter include: Preliminary remarks 5.1. Part of the country 5.2. Safety 5.2.1. Absence of persecution or serious harm 5.2.2.Availability of protection against persecution or serious harm 5.3. Travel and admittance 5.4. Reasonableness to settle 5.4.1. General situation 5.4.2. Individual circumstances 5.4.3. Conclusions on particular profiles Link di attraversamento del book per 5. Internal protection alternative Precedente Genitore Seguente