
Praktični vodič za planiranje i provedbu misija za odabir

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Guide pratique pour la planification et la mise en œuvre des missions de sélection

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Käytännön opas valintamatkojen suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Guía práctica para la planificación y ejecución de una misión de selección

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Practical guide for planning and implementing selection missions

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση αποστολών επιλογής

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Praxisleitfaden für die Planung und Durchführung von Auswahlmissionen

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Практическо ръководство за планиране и изпълнение на мисии за подбор

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.
