4.11.4. Interpretation in the health system

Interpretation in the context of health care was an area of focus in some EU+ countries. For example, in 2022 France continued to reinforce interpretation services for asylum applicants requiring health care,947 and the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration in Italy announced a national project to define the training curriculum of the transcultural mediator in the health sector.948
The Health Service Executive in Ireland launched a public procurement to offer standardised translation/interpretation services in all health services in early 2022,949 while in Switzerland, civil society organisations recommended that information is provided in a language understood by the applicant when accessing health and social services.950
Hospitals in Greece faced critical shortages in interpreting services to ensure communication with patients, especially for languages like Bangla, Tigrinya, Somali or other African dialects.951 UNHCR provided support with interpretation at hospitals.
In support of interpreters, Translators without Borders and Oxfam published a tip sheet to address sociolinguistic barriers on sensitive topics and to support their mental health.952
- 947European Migration Network. (April 2022). Annual Report 2021. On migration and asylum policies in France. https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-09/arma_2021_part_2_france_english.pdf
- 948Ministry of the Interior | Ministero dell'interno. (2022, November 23). Pubblicazione atti relativi al progetto PROG 3857 - "Promozione della figura del mediatore transculturale specializzato in ambito sanitario all’interno del Sistema di accoglienza per i migranti” [Publication of acts related to project PROG 3857 - "Promotion of the role of transcultural mediator specialised in health care within the migrant reception system"]. https://www.interno.gov.it/it/amministrazione-trasparente/bandi-gara-e-contratti/pubblicazione-atti-relativi-progetto-prog-3857-promozione-figura-mediatore-transculturale-specializzato-ambito-sanitario-allinterno-sistema-accoglienza-i-migranti
- 949Ministry of the Interior | Ministero dell'interno. (2022, November 23). Pubblicazione atti relativi al progetto PROG 3857 - "Promozione della figura del mediatore transculturale specializzato in ambito sanitario all’interno del Sistema di accoglienza per i migranti” [Publication of acts related to project PROG 3857 - "Promotion of the role of transcultural mediator specialised in health care within the migrant reception system"]. https://www.interno.gov.it/it/amministrazione-trasparente/bandi-gara-e-contratti/pubblicazione-atti-relativi-progetto-prog-3857-promozione-figura-mediatore-transculturale-specializzato-ambito-sanitario-allinterno-sistema-accoglienza-i-migranti
- 950humanrights.ch. (July 2022). Contribution of the Swiss NGO Platform for Human Rights. Universal Periodic Review of Switzerland, 4th Cycle. https://www.humanrights.ch/cms/upload/pdf/2022/220720_UPR_Bericht_NGO_Plattform.pdf
- 951Network for Children's Rights | Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού. (2023). Input to the Asylum Report 2023. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2023-02/network_for_children_rights.pdf
- 952Oxfam International, & Translators without Borders. (2021). Six tips for humanitarians working with interpreters on sensitive topics. https://translatorswithoutborders.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TIP-SHEET-Interpretation-and-Sensitive-Topics-EN.pdf