New initiatives by civil society organisations

Civil society organisations continued to assist asylum applicants by undertaking initiatives to inform them about the asylum procedure. For example, Info Migrants created a list of the most important terms, abbreviations and acronyms that asylum seekers and refugees need to know when applying for international protection in France, Greece and Italy.781 The Refugee.Info team in Greece782 and Italy783 launched new websites that offer crucial information on the asylum process.
The Swedish Network of Refugees Support (FARR) updated its handbook, Good Advice and translated the document into Arabic, Farsi and Russian. The publication details how to apply for asylum in Sweden and what to expect after a decision, focusing on what applicants can do themselves to contribute to a fair process. Special sections cover how asylum is assessed for women, children, LGBTIQ applicants, religious converts and people who have been subjected to torture.784
- 781InfoMigrants. (2022). Acronyms series. http://www.infomigrants.net/en/tag/acronyms%20%20series/
- 782Refugee.Info Greece. (2022). Asylum. https://greece.refugee.info/en-us/sections/4768215377431
- 783Refugee.Info Italy. (2022). Migration and asylum. https://italy.refugee.info/hc/en-us
- 784Swedish Network of Refugees Support Group | Flyktinggruppernas Riksråd (2022): Handboken. Goda Råd till dig som söker asyl i Sverige [Handbook. Good advice for those seeking asylum in Sweden]. (Available in various languages at https://farr.se/goda-rad/