4.12.3. The focus of COI content
COI units continued to focus on the most common countries of origin of asylum applicants in Europe, namely Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and Iraq.
Examples of reports released in 2022 by COI national teams and by UNHCR:
- the security and human rights situation in Afghanistan
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, March 9). Talibans regime – situasjonen etter maktovertakelsen [Taliban regime — the situation after the takeover]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Afghanistan-temanotat-Ta… - the security situation in Algeria
Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (2022, March 18). Algeriet Fråga–svar om medborgarskapslagen [Algeria. Question-answer about the Citizenship Act]. https://lifos.migrationsverket.se/dokument?documentSummaryId=46280 - the security situation in Ethiopia
Danish Immigration Service | Udlændingestyrelsen. (February 2022). Etiopien - Sikkerhedssituationen [Ethiopia - Security situation]: Country of Origin Information. Udlændingestyrelsen.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/denmark/PLib/etiopien_sikkerh… - Internet and social media
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, November 9). Iran Internett og sosiale medier [Iran internet and social media]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Temanotat-Iran-Internett… and criminal prosecution of Christian convertsNorwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, June 20). Iran Arrestasjon og straffeforfølgelse av kristne konvertitter – en oppdatering [Iran Arrest and prosecution of Christian converts — an update]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Temantoat-Iran-Arrestasj… in Iran - honour crimes
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, March 10). Irak Ære og æresrelatert vold [Iraq Honor and Honor-Related Violence]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Temanotat-Irak-AEre-og-a… in Iraq and the situation in MosulNorwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, December 23). Irak Situasjonen i Mosul [Iraq Situation in Mosul]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Irak-temanotat-Situasjon… - UNHCR published COI for case officers to assist in applying UNHCR guidance on Iraq
- UNCHR published position papers on returns to Mali,
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (January 2022). UNHCR Position on Returns to Mali – Update III. Refworld | UNHCR Position on Returns to Mali – Update III Ukraine,United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (March 2022). UNHCR Position on Returns to Ukraine. https://www.refworld.org/docid/621de9894.html EthiopiaUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (March 2022). UNHCR Position on Returns to Ethiopia. https://www.refworld.org/docid/623079204.html and Gaza.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (March 2022). UNHCR Position on Returns to Gaza. https://www.refworld.org/docid/6239805f4.html A position paper on the conflict of North and South Kivu, Ituri and human rights situationUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (November 2022). UNHCR Position on Returns to North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Adjacent Areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo Affected by Ongoing Conflict and Violence – Update III. https://www.refworld.org/docid/6368eec64.html gave up-to-date information about the Democratic Republic of the Congo - the situation of LGBTIQ individuals
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo) | Utlendingsforvaltningens fagenhet for landinformasjon (Landinfo). (2022, November 16). Iran Situasjonen for LHBT-personer [Iran Situation of LGBTI individuals]. https://landinfo.no/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Temantoat-Iran-Situasjon… in Iran - health care services availability and accessibility in Damascus, Rural Damascus, Tartous and Latakia
Danish Immigration Service | Udlændingestyrelsen. (March 2022). Syria - Health care services availability and accessibility in Damascus, Rural Damascus, Tartous and Latakia: Country of Origin Information (COI) Report. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/denmark/PLib/coi_report_syria… and treatment upon returnDanish Immigration Service | Udlændingestyrelsen. (May 2022). Syria - Treatment upon return: Country of Origin Information (COI). https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/denmark/PLib/notat-syria-trea… - military service
Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (April 2022). Syrisk militärtjänst [Syria - Military service]. MA02 2022-01-13. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/sweden/PLib/220504450.pdf and security apparatusSwedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (2022, October 10). Syriens säkerhetsapparat [Syria's security apparatus]. https://lifos.migrationsverket.se/dokument?documentSummaryId=46883 in Syria - human rights and a focus on the situation of women and girls and the de facto state’s administration of justice
Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (2022, November 20). Afghanistan MR-utvecklingen under 2022 med fokus på situationen för kvinnor och flickor samt de facto-statens rättskipning [Afghanistan. Human rights development in 2022 with a focus on the situation of women and girls and the de facto state's administration of justice]. https://lifos.migrationsverket.se/dokument?documentSummaryId=46936 in Afghanistan and the security situation following the Taliban’s takeover in AfghanistanSwedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (April 2022). Afghanistan – Säkerhetsläget efter talibanrörelsens maktövertagande [Afghanistan - Security situation following the Taliban's takeover]. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/sweden/PLib/220506700.pdf
COI teams closely followed the evolving security situation in Türkiye and Ethiopia, in particular in the Tigray region. They also collected information on Angola, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan. For instance, Sweden released new COI reports on Tigrayans and their situation outside of Tigray,
EU+ countries followed the situation in Latin America, especially in Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. For example, Sweden published a report on Chile in April 2022.
Some COI units relied on desk research, while others, for example France and Norway, organised fact-finding missions. Many countries, however, faced challenges in accessing specific countries due to fewer flights. There was also a lack of experts to interview in Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Syria and Ukraine. Croatia reported difficulties in verifying specific information with sources in certain countries.
Box 8. COI on Russia and Ukraine
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, COI units received many requests for information on the security situation in Ukraine and Russia. In response, the EUAA, national administrations and civil society organisations published daily information, articles, fact sheets and analytical reports on these two countries.
The EUAA published a report on Medical Country of Origin Information (MedCOI):
The COI unit in Norway published a report on military service and mobilisation in Russia
It became evident that the situation in Russia and Ukraine became a main area of focus at the expense of other geographical regions. Norway noted that unsettled situations in several countries will generate a need for information, such as projections of future outcomes, that may be difficult to meet.
Civil society organisations play a key role in producing COI from the ground. Their annual reports often contribute to a better understanding of the situation in countries of origin. For instance, the World Report 2023 by Human Rights Watch summarised human rights conditions in over 100 countries worldwide in 2022.
The ACCORD department of the Austrian Red Cross manages a COI system, ECOI.net, with information on political, humanitarian and human rights topics in countries of origin. As in previous years, in 2022 they continued with a query service for asylum lawyers, refugee counsels and officers deciding on claims for asylum.
Asylos, an NGO working on increasing the accessibility and importance of high-quality COI in the asylum procedure, started quarterly informal meetings in June 2022 with COI experts from civil society organisations. The aim is to exchange information on best practices, challenges and new publications, conduct peer reviews and explore opportunities for collaboration. The group also offers commentaries on COI produced by governmental and intergovernmental COI units, as well as by the EUAA. In line with its overall mission, Asylos implemented a project which addressed gaps in COI on stateless people and produced a COI report on stateless Palestinians. Under the initiative “Emergency COI Repositories”, Asylos created repositories for Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Türkiye and Ukraine.
Civil society organisations continued to produce material on the Middle East region, in particular on Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Asylos and Clifford Chance published monthly COI on Afghanistan.
Many COI reports by civil society organisations also concentrated on the African continent in 2022. The Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) depicted the human rights situation in Cameroon.
For the Asian region, reports were published by civil society organisations on Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. For example, in May 2022 Amnesty International published a report on the impact of the economic crisis on the Sri Lanka’s population and on their social rights).
A challenge that seems to persist, as highlighted by civil society organisations, relates to the lack of accessibility and user-friendliness of COI databases and the lack of multilinguistic information, as COI material is mostly available in English. In addition, there seems to be an imbalance between countries of origin for which a high number of COI reports are available and countries for which no or limited information exists.
There also seems to be a lack of data on intersex applicants and their situation in countries of origin.
Box 9. COI reports by the EUAA in 2022
- Afghanistan: developments since the Taliban takeover on 15 August 2021 targeted attacks,
European Union Agency for Asylum. (August 2022). Afghanistan Targeting of Individuals: Country of OriginInformation.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_08_EUAA_COI_Re… the security situationEuropean Union Agency for Asylum. (August 2022). Afghanistan Security Situation: Country of Origin Information. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_08_EUAA_COI_Re… and key socio-economic indicatorsEuropean Union Agency for Asylum. (August 2022). Key socio-economic indicators in Afghanistan and in Kabul city: Country of Origin Information. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_08_EUAA_COI_Re… - Afghan refugees in Pakistan
European Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, May 20). Pakistan - Situation of Afghan refugees: Country of Origin Information Report. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/news?NP=2&FROM=1&Paged=TRUE&p_ID=166&p_COINe… was updated. It describes their legal status and provides information on their socio-economic situation in Pakistan - Iraq: targeting and treatment of persons belonging to specific profiles
European Union Agency for Asylum. (September 2022). Syria: Targeting of individuals: Country of OriginInformation.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_09_EUAA_COI_Re… and the security situationEuropean Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, January 23). Iraq Security Situation: Country of Origin Information.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_02_EUAA_COI_Re… - Syria: the security situation
European Union Agency for Asylum. (September 2022). Syria: Security situation: Country of Origin Information.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_09_EUAA_COI_Re… the targeting of certain profiles and groups in the countryEuropean Union Agency for Asylum. (September 2022). Syria : Targeting of individuals: Country of OriginInformation.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_09_EUAA_COI_Re… and the socio-economic context in Damascus city ColombiaEuropean Union Agency for Asylum. (August 2022). Syria: Socio-economic situation in Damascus city: Country of Origin Information. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_08_EUAA_COI_Re… - Colombia
European Union Agency for Asylum. (2023, December 14). Colombia : Country Focus: Country of OriginInformation.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_12_EUAA_COI_Re… - Medical Country of Origin Information (MedCOI): Nigeria
European Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, April 21). Medical Country of Origin Information Report: Nigeria. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_04_EUAA_MedCOI… on the overall epidemiological situation and challenges in accessing health care - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C) in Ethiopia
European Union Agency for Asylum. (May 2022). Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Ethiopia: Country of Origin Information. https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_05_EUAA_COI_Re… maps FGM/C practices and trends at the national and regional levels - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C) in Mali
European Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, July 6). Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Mali: Country of Origin Information.https://coi.euaa.europa.eu/administration/easo/PLib/2022_07_EUAA_COI_Re…