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1.3. Climate-induced displacement 

Climate change and its link with generating displacement, as well as the impact of climate change on refugees and host communities, were among the key themes at the Global Refugee Forum. Nearly 60% of the world's displaced populations live in countries that are the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change. As the effects of climate change intensify, so does the hardship experienced by displaced populations and host communities.35  

A multistakeholder pledge on climate action was announced to include refugees in national adaptation plans and international climate fora, and to contribute to the strengthening of protection, preparedness and resilience of displaced people and host communities to climate impacts36 37 During the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), King Abdullah II of Jordan launched the Climate-Refugees Nexus initiative to highlight the vulnerability of countries that face the dual challenge of climate change and hosting large refugee populations. The initiative draws attention to the adverse impact of climate change on these countries and calls on international organisations, investors and climate funds to prioritise refugee-hosting countries in climate hotspots and provide financial, technical and capacity-building resources.38  At the COP28 convention in December 2023, displaced climate activists participated and spoke on behalf of millions of other displaced people who are disproportionally affected by climate change and called for greater inclusion of affected communities in developing solutions.39