


We would like to thank a number of organisations and institutions which actively contributed to this year’s edition of the Asylum Report through direct contributions, consultations or feedback during the drafting process.

In particular, we express our gratitude to asylum and reception authorities in EU+ countries for the continuous exchange of information throughout the year. From November to December 2023, the EUAA conducted a series of bilateral calls with experts from national authorities who form part of the EUAA Information and Documentation System (IDS) Advisory Group to confirm primary facts and information on legislative, policy, practical and jurisprudential developments in asylum and reception which occurred during 2023. The contributions of national experts involved in the EUAA’s thematic networks are invaluable in helping the Agency maintain an accurate and up-to-date overview of asylum-related developments in Europe and beyond.

We are grateful to the European Commission for its continued support and feedback during the drafting process. Experts from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) also provided valuable input.

Through various channels, civil society organisations, academia and research institutions provided the EUAA with research findings and information from the ground. To present the full picture of asylum in 2023 and take account of all perspectives, contributions from these institutions and organisations were included in this report. To this end, the EUAA would like to acknowledge the following contributors:

  1. Aditus foundation
  2. Arca di Noè Società Cooperativa Sociale 
  3. Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI)
  4. Association for Legal Intervention (Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej) 
  5. AsyLex
  6. Asylos
  7. Asylrättscentrum – Swedish Refugee Law Center
  8. Asylum Protection Center
  9. Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN)
  10. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw and SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  11. Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) | Spanish Commission for Refugees
  12. Convive - Fundación Cepaim
  13. Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria
  14. Danish Refugee Council - DRC
  15. DRC Greece
  16. Dutch Advisory Council on Migration
  17. Equal Legal Aid
  18. Estonian Refugee Council
  19. European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
  20. European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW)
  21. European Network on Statelessness
  22. Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid
  23. Forum Réfugiés
  24. Greek Council for Refugees 
  25. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
  26. Hungarian Helsinki Committee
  27. International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas
  28. International Rescue Committee (IRC) Italy
  29. Irish Refugee Council
  30. Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Malta
  31. Lithuanian Red Cross society
  32. Macedonian Young Lawyers Association
  33. Malta Refugee Council
  34. Migrant Integration Center - Brasov
  35. Migrant Offshore Aid Station - MOAS
  36. Missing Children Europe
  37. Nansen, the Belgian Refugee Council
  38. Network for Children’s Rights
  39. Organisation for Aid to Refugees - OPU
  40. Platform for Migration, University of Malta
  41. Red Cross, EU Office
  42. Romanian National Council for Refugees
  43. Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
  44. Stichting Nidos