Cooperation and communication among Member States
Improving communication between Member States was one of the objectives of the Dublin roadmap, and several countries undertook initiatives with this aim in 2023. Greece initiated a pilot project with Germany for the implementation of transfers.
Austria and Romania concluded a bilateral agreement in October 2023 to facilitate cooperation between the two countries in the implementation of the Dublin III Regulation.
Cooperation in the implementation of the Dublin III Regulation was also one of the focus topics during the visit of a delegation from the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and the Ministry of the Interior to the Bulgarian State Agency for Refugees (SAR).328
Throughout 2023, authorities in Austria and Hungary reported that they were often faced with situations where transfers were announced to them by sending EU+ countries but were not implemented in the end, and the cancellations were sent late or not at all. These situations created a high administrative workload, especially in Austria.
- 328State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers | Държавната агенция за бежанците при Министерския. (2024, May 15). Посещение на австрийска делегация в областта на миграцията и убежището | Държавна Агенция за Бежанците при Министерски съвет [Visit of an Austrian delegation in the field of migration and asylum].