1.1. Legislative developments at EU level

1.1.1. Reform of the Common European Asylum System 

The aim of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is to develop the architecture for a common approach in guaranteeing high standards of protection for refugees through fair and effective procedures throughout the EU+. It emphasises a common responsibility to welcome applicants for international protection in a dignified manner, ensuring fair treatment and examination of their applications according to uniform standards. To this end, increased solidarity among countries and a sense of shared responsibility are foundational blocks for the functioning and further calibration of the CEAS. Read more...

1.1.2. Continued transposition of recast asylum acquis 

In 2018, Member States continued transposing  the provisions of the recast asylum Directives. In Belgium, on 22 March, the two Laws of November 2017,  which amended the Immigration Act and the Reception Act to finalise the transposition of the Asylum Procedures Directive 2013/32/EU and the Reception Conditions Directive 2013/33/EU came into force. In Finland, in December 2018, changes to the processing of subsequent applications for international protection were proposed, informed by the provisions of the Asylum Procedures Directive. Read more... 

1.1.3. Infringement procedures by the European Commission 

Under the EU Treaties, the European Commission is responsible for ensuring that EU law is correctly transposed and applied. As the guardian of the Treaties, the Commission may commence infringement proceedings under Article 258 (ex Article 226 TEC)  of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, if there are indications that a Member State has systematically breached Union law, be it by practice or by incomplete or incorrect transposition of the EU law.  Read more...