Home EASO Annual Report 2018 Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Executive Summary 1. Major Developments in 2018 at EU Level 1.1. Legislative developments at EU level 1.1.1. Reform of the Common European Asylum System 1.1.2. Continued transposition of recast asylum acquis 2. International Protection in the EU+ 2.1. Applications for international protection in the EU+ 2.1.1 Applications: EU+ overview 3. Important developments at the national level 3.1. Major legislative changes in EU+ countries 4.The functioning of the CEAS: Developments and case law in key areas 4.1. Access to procedure 4.7. Detention 4.8. Procedures at second instance 4.9. Country of origin information 4.10. Vulnerable applicants 4.10.1. Unaccompanied minors 4.11. Content of protection 4.12 Return Conclusions Acknowledgements List of abbreviations Statistical annex List of figures and maps Bibliography European Union Statistics Research institutions and think tanks Other sources Share Print Click here to read online the Executive Summary Download the executive summary in your language [EN] [BG] [CS] [DA] [DE] [EL] [ES] [ET] [FI] [FR] [GA] [HR] [HU] [IT] [LT] [LV] [MT] [NL] [PL] [PT] [RO] [SK] [SL] [SV] Book traversal links for Executive Summary Previous Parent Next