List of figures and maps


Figure 1: Applicants for international protection in the EU+, by type 
Figure 2: Applications for international protection versus detections of illegal border crossing
Figure 3: Main countries of origin of applicants in the EU+, 2017 and 2018
Figure 4: Applications lodged in the EU+, by top citizenship and year
Figure 5: Demographic profiles for the main citizenships
Figure 6: Main destination countries of applicants in 2017 and 2018
Figure 7: Applications lodged in EU+, by receiving country and year
Figure 8: Applications in 2018 by main country of origin, receiving country and extent of the yearly change
Figure 9: Withdrawn applications 2014-2018
Figure 10: Withdrawn applications in 2018, by main citizenship and type
Figure 11: Withdrawn applications in 2018, by receiving country
Figure 12: First-instance decisions, by outcome
Figure 13: Number of first-instance decisions issued in 2018 and outcome, by country of origin
Figure 14: Number of first-instance decisions issued in 2018 and outcome, by EU+ country
Figure 15: Overall EU+ recognition rates based on the type of protection considered 
Figure 16: Distribution of 2018 recognition rates for citizenships with most first-instance decisions issued
Figure 17: Decisions issued by main country and procedure 
Figure 18: First-instance decisions issued using special procedures, by outcome and type of procedure
Figure 19: Final decisions issued in appeal or review in the EU+    
Figure 20: Number of decisions issued at final instance in 2018 and outcome by country of origin.  
Figure 21: Number of decisions issued at final instance in 2018 and outcome by EU+ country    
Figure 22: Recognition rates in first instance and second/higher instance for selected citizenships. 
Figure 23: Pending cases in the EU+ at the end of each year, 2014-2018    
Figure 24: Evolution of pending cases in the EU+, by instance, 2014-2018 
Figure 25: Pending cases, by citizenship and year, 2017-2018  
Figure 26: Pending cases, by EU+ country and year, 2017-2018 
Figure 27: Numbers of decisions reached in response to Dublin requests and acceptance rates, by partner country and top 20 citizenships
Figure 28: Top 10 combinations of sending country, citizenship and receiving country for implemented Dublin transfers 
Figure 29: Sex and age groups of Dublin transferees
Figure 30: Number of UAMs in 2018 and 2017 by citizenships and relative change 
Figure 31: Share of UAMs to total number of applicants by country of origin, 2018 
Figure 32: Share of female UAMs and share of UAMs younger than 14 years old in total UAM applicants


Map 1: Main countries of origin of applicants in the EU+ in 2018