EASO Annual Report 2018

Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018

The EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in EU 2018 is a reference document, which aims at providing a comprehensive overview of asylum-related developments in the areas of legislation, policy and practice both at an EU level and at the level of national asylum systems. Drawing from a variety of sources, the report looks into main asylum-related statistical trends and analyses changes in regards to the functioning of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) during the reference year.

Per established methodology, in an effort to capture developments in an integrative, synthetic way, an attempt is made to include a diversity of perspectives eliciting input from a multiplicity of actors, who -in different capacities- are involved in the area of asylum. To this end, apart from constantly monitoring developments by performing desk research throughout the reference year looking into already existing sources, the team drafting the EASO Annual Report has opened up a number of input processes, meant to feed into the report, always in consultation with key partners, including UNHCR and the European Migration Network.

Annual Report 2018 in PDF format


Executive Summary is currently available in the following EU linguistic versions


[EN] [BG] [CS] [DA] [DE] [EL] [ES] [ET] [FI] [FR] [GA] [HR] [HU] [IT] [LT] [LV] [MT] [NL] [PL] [PT] [RO] [SK] [SL] [SV]

See Also: International protection in the EU+: 2018 overview


The 2018 edition of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union reflects an effort to offer, as in previous years, a concise, yet comprehensive overview of qualitative and quantitative information on key developments and trends in the area of international protection and the functioning of the Common European Asylum System. The Report also indicates key activities and initiatives undertaken by EASO in the course of the year, promoting the consistent implementation of the CEAS in EU+ countries. 

Reflecting the advances in EASO’s work on collecting and analysing information, the Report integrates insights from a wide range of sources, allowing for an in-depth presentation and analysis of major developments related to international protection in the EU+ and the context within which these occur. To this end, an effort was made to reflect the diversity of perspectives, expressed by a variety of actors in regards to pressing asylum-related issues, which at times may be of a constructively critical nature.

Contributions by Civil Society 

Importantly, special place is reserved for the perspective of civil society organizations and institutions performing research on asylum, which may provide valuable insights from their operational or research experience. To this end, an open call for input is issued every year from the EASO Executive Director to the members of the EASO Consultative Forum and other civil society stakeholders, inviting them to provide information on their work relevant for the functioning of the CEAS. This year, setting a new record, contributions were received from 27 civil society organizations. In addition, for the first time this year, a workshop with asylum experts from think tanks and civil society organization was help in EASO’s liaison office in Brussels to discuss current and emerging trends in the area of asylum and related research interest. The workshop offered a unique opportunity for participants to reflect on and identify the specific trends and areas of interest in the area of asylum that seem to span over in a horizontal manner, as well as niche areas, where typically only few actors are involved, but which might have the potential to emerge as more encompassing tendencies. Insights elicited through this discussion have been used to inform, in conjunction with other sources, the drafting of this year’s Annual Report. 

Previous editions of the EASO Annual Report