4.2. Persons who evaded or deserted military service

Last update: February 2023

This section provides an analysis with regard to the profiles of:

Draft evader: a draft evader is a Syrian male, above the age of 18, who has avoided being drafted into the SAA either by hiding from the Syrian authorities or by fleeing Syria.

Deserter: a deserter is a former member of the SAA (e.g. a conscript, a non-commissioned officer (corporal or sergeant) or an officer) who has left his post or unit in the SAA without permission. See also 4.2.3. Military deserters and defectors.

Defector: a defector is a former member of the SAA who has left the SAA and joined an armed opposition group in Syria.

‘Military service’ is used broadly to cover both military service and reserve service in the SAA.

 For more information on the structure of the Syrian Armed Forces, see 3.2. The Government of Syria and associated armed groups.