STANDARD 16: Ensure the day-to-day care of unaccompanied children in the accommodation centre (16.1) or in individual housing (16.2).

Alternative indicators on ensuring day-to-day care:

Indicator 16.1 a): Qualified staff is present in the accommodation centre 24/7.

Indicator 16.1 b): Qualified staff is specifically present when unaccompanied children are in the accommodation centre meaning before and after school hours, during weekends and school holidays.

Indicator 16.1 c): If members of staff present at night are not qualified staff, they must as a minimum, be trained in child protection and the rights of the child and have the necessary information on the specific situation of the unaccompanied children in the accommodation centre.

Indicator 16.1 d): The presence of unaccompanied children in the accommodation centre is monitored at least once a day to be sure the child has not absconded.


Indicator 16.2 a): When unaccompanied children live in individual housing, qualified staff are contactable 24/7.

Indicator 16.2 b): Child reception staff visits unaccompanied children accommodated in individual housing at least twice a week.

  • Additional remarks: Unaccompanied children accommodated in individual housing are as a minimum 16 years old and have been assessed as mature and autonomous enough to live in this type of reception facility.
  • The visit is performed by the social worker, for example.

Indicator 16.2 c): The presence of unaccompanied children in individual housing is monitored during the home visits to be sure the children have not absconded.

Indicator 16.3: Unaccompanied children are supported in their everyday life and activities.

  • Additional remarks: Support in everyday life includes alarge range of activities, such as waking unaccompanied children, promoting and following up school attendance and engagement, providing information and support on personal and domestic hygiene, supporting unaccompanied children in living in a community and respecting house rules, and managing and preventing conflicts.
  • At a first stage, reception staff may guide unaccompanied children to school and to other destinations. Information is provided in a child-friendly way and adapted to unaccompanied children’s age and maturity (e.g. Google maps, public transport applications, etc.).

Indicator 16.4: Unaccompanied children are provided with help with homework and tutoring.

  • Additional remarks: Help with homework and tutoring can be provided by the reception facility or by external organisations, inside or outside the reception facility.

STANDARD 17: The day-to-day care is organised according to a specific method for the care of unaccompanied children.

Indicator 17.1: The method for the care of unaccompanied children is outlined in a handbook, known and applied by all staff responsible for the day-to-day care in the reception facility.

Indicator 17.2: The handbook contains at least a description of the objectives of the day-to-day care and of a conversation cycle in which these objectives and the outcome for unaccompanied children are discussed with the child, as well as for their safety, future perspectives, skills and special needs.

Indicator 17.3: The staff discusses the objectives of the day-to-day care and the outcome on a regular basis with the representative and unaccompanied children

Good practice on the organisation of day-to-day care
It is considered good practice to:

✓ Have a handbook present in all reception facilities for unaccompanied children. The handbook covers all procedures and policies relevant to the reception of unaccompanied children and is developed in collaboration with the authorities representing unaccompanied children. The requirements on consulting with unaccompanied children, filing and coordination with other bodies and organisations is clearly described in the handbook.

STANDARD 18: Unaccompanied children are prepared to become autonomous and to live an independent life later on.

Indicator 18.1: Skills related to autonomy are assessed on a regular basis.

  • Additional remarks: The assessment is done through the support and observation of unaccompanied children in everyday life and makes sure to involve the unaccompanied children. It takes place at different stages in order to evaluate the development of the skills. A checklist to assess the level of autonomy may be used, including skills for cleaning, home budget management, energy consumption, laundry, cooking, shopping, sharing life-space with others, etc.

Indicator 18.2: Unaccompanied children are provided with support and training on home budget management and the responsible consumption of energy.

  • Additional remarks: Younger unaccompanied children need help and supervision on how to spend or save pocket money. Older unaccompanied children might have the same needs but might also be able to handle money independently as a component of home budget training.

Indicator 18.3: Unaccompanied children are provided with support and training on cleaning and how to do laundry.

  • Additional remarks: Without prejudice to the fact that the overall responsibility for maintenance of the housing lies with the reception authority, certain maintenance tasks could be carried out by unaccompanied children voluntarily and on an educational basis, taking into account the age of a child, and always guided and supervised by the staff.

Indicator 18.4: Unaccompanied children are provided with support and training on cooking skills.

  • Additional remarks: The training includes security issues and the age and maturity of unaccompanied children are taken into account.