Como agencia descentralizada de la UE que dispone de su propia estructura de gobierno, la EUAA actúa dentro del marco político e institucional de la Unión. Se mantiene una sólida cooperación con las instituciones de la UE, otros organismos de la UE y, particularmente, aquellos en el campo de la Justicia y Asuntos de Interior, así como los Estados miembros y los países asociados a Schengen.
La Agencia ha suscrito varios acuerdos de trabajo, canjes de notas y planes de cooperación durante los últimos años. Estos marcos siguen siendo aplicables también después de la entrada en vigor del Reglamento por el que la EASO se transforma en la Agencia de Asilo de la Unión Europea.
The EUAA is one of nine EU agencies working in the field of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). These nine agencies work together on topics of common interest in the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ Network (JHAAN). This Network was established in 2010 to facilitate and increase inter-agency cooperation among the agencies in the JHA field, and to explore synergies in areas of common interest.
Together, the JHA agencies contribute to the implementation of EU’s objectives in the fields of migration, asylum and external border management, the fight against organised crime, drug trafficking and terrorism, gender equality and respect for fundamental rights. They also facilitate the functioning of relevant EU IT systems, contribute to EU activities on illicit drugs and drugs addiction and facilitate law-enforcement training.
The Network is constituted of the nine JHA Agencies (in alphabetical order):
- The EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
- The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
- The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
- The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- The EU Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)
- The EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust)
- The EU’s Law Enforcement Agency (Europol)
- The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and
- The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)
EUAA Presidency of 2023
The presidency of the Network rotates on a yearly basis. This year, the EUAA holds the presidency of the JHAAN. In this role, the Agency has set the priorities for the Network for a year, and will organise thematic activities accordingly.
In 2023, during the EUAA Presidency of the JHAAN, the Network will focus on the following priorities:
- Digitalisation
- Implementation of the EU Green Deal in JHA Agencies
- Information provision in mixed migration situations
- Cybersecurity
- JHAAN communication and promotion
Additionally, in its presidency role, the EUAA will organise other Network meetings, such as the yearly Heads of JHA Agencies meeting, contact points meetings and working group meetings.
The work programme of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network for 2023 can be accessed here.
Trio-presidency concept
As of 2022, based on the 10-year Assessment Report of the JHAAN adopted by the Heads of JHA Agencies in 2021, the Network implements a Trio Presidency coordination concept. With this concept, three consecutive presiding agencies work closely together by introducing overarching topics to be addressed during three consecutive years. The current Trio (CEPOL, EUAA and eu-LISA) agreed to continue keeping important topics affecting each JHA agency such as ‘digitalisation’ and its different dimensions, ‘business continuity’ and the ‘EU Green Deal implementation’ on the agenda of the Network.
Moreover, the Trio has also agreed to continue working on implementation of the recommendations from the JHAAN Assessment Report. These considerations are reflected in the work programme for 2023, which was endorsed at the Heads of JHA Agencies meeting on 29 November 2022 in Budapest. Continuing the tradition of inclusiveness and the practice of active involvement and ownership of all Network members, the EUAA Presidency relies on the expertise and active contribution of all Agencies, in particular concerning topics specific to the individual mandates of the Agencies.
Joint papers and statements of the JHAAN
Report on the survey on JHA Agencies’ environmental and greening activities
Final Report on the JHA Agencies’ Network Activities 2022
Joint Paper JHA Agencies - Contributing to the EU's solidarity with Ukraine
Final Report on the JHA Agencies’ Network Activities 2021
Environmental Crime - Actions taken by EU JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS (JHA) AGENCIES
COVID-19 RESPONSE - Summary of main actions taken by EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies