3.1. Major legislative changes in EU+ countries

The following table provides an overview of the main legislative changes in EU+ countries reported for 2018. Details about the relevant changes and their analysis in the wider context are provided in the relevant thematic sections of Chapter 4. Therefore, please note that the overview here is a factual presentation and the fact that the change is presented does not imply any endorsement from the European Commission or EASO.

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199 AT LEG 01: FrÄG 2018, Aliens Law Amendment Act 2018.
200 AT LEG 03: Amendments to the Asylum Act 2005, the Aliens Police Act 2005 and the BFA Procedural Law
201 AT LEG 02: FrÄG 2017, Aliens Law Amendment Act 2017.
202 AT LEG 05: Amendment of 14 February 2018 to the Safe Countries of Origin Regulation.
203 AT LEG 06: Amendment of 20 June 2018 to the Safe Countries of Origin Regulation.
204 BE LEG 02: Law of 21 November 2017, Amending the Asylum Act and the Reception Act (Entry into Force on 22 March 2018).
205BE LEG 03: Law of 17 December 2017, Amending the Immigration Act (Entry into Force on 22 March 2018).
206 BE LEG 05: Royal Decree of 2 September 2018 Laying down the Regime and the Operating Rules Applicable to the Reception Facilities and the Modalities Concerning Room Inspections.
207 BE LEG 06: Ministerial Decree of 21 September 2018 to Establish the House Rules for Reception Facilities.
208 HR LEG 01: Law amending the Law on International and Temporary Protection.
209 HR LEG 03: Decision Adopting the Protocol on the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children.
210 CY LEG 01: IPAC Law.
211 CZ LEG 01 : Act No 258/2017 Coll.
212 CZ LEG 02: Decree 68/2019 Coll.
213 DK LEG 01: Act No 174 of 27 February 2019.
214 FI LEG 02: Proposal amending the Aliens Act, HE 273/2018 vp.
215 FI LEG 01: Act amending the Aliens Act, 501/2016.
216 FR LEG 01: Law of 10 September 2018.
217 FR LEG 03: Decree of 14 December 2018.
218 FR LEG 04: Decree of 28 December 2018.
219 FR LEG 02: Law of 20 March 2018.
220 DE LEG 01: Third Law Amending the Asylum Act.
221 DE LEG 02: Draft Act, Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz.

222 DE LEG 03: KiQuTG.
223 EL LEG 02: L 4540/2018, Reception Act.
224 EL LEG 03: Joint Ministerial Decision No 47094.
225 HU LEG 04: Act VI of 2018.
226 HU LEG 07: Government Decree 411/2017. (XII.15.).
227 HU LEG 05: Act XLI of 2018.
228 IE LEG 01 : European Communities (Reception Conditions) Regulations 2018.
229 IE LEG 02 : European Union (Dublin System) Regulations 2018.
230 IE LEG 03: International Protection Act 2015 (Safe Countries of Origin) Order 2018.
231 IT LEG 01: Immigration and Security Decree.
232 UNHCR provided comments to the law: UNHCR, Nota tecnica dell’Ufficio dell’Alto Commissario delle Nazione Unite per i Rifugiati, Decreto Legge 4 ottobre 2018, No 113 (in Italian).
233 LV LEG 02: Cabinet Regulations No 734.
234 LV LEG 01: Health Care Financing Law.
235 LT LEG 01: Law Amending the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal Status of Aliens.
236 LU LEG 01: Law on the Grand Ducal Police.
237 Rijksoverheid, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security addresses new forms of criminality (in Dutch).
241 NL LEG 01: Netherlands Nationality Act.
242 Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, Parliamentary Papers (Kamerstukken) II, 2017-2018, 34775-VI, nr. 121 (in Dutch).
243 NO LEG 02: Act of 20 April 2018, Amending the Immigration Act.

244 NO LEG 04: Immigration Regulations.
245 NO LEG 03: Act of 15 June 2018, Amending the Introduction Act.
246 PT LEG 01: Organic Law No  2/2018.
247 RO LEG 01: Law 247 05/11/2018.
248 SK LEG 02: Act No  198/2018 Coll.
249 SK LEG 01: Act No 191 Coll.
250 SE LEG 01: Law on the responsibility for the integration of newly arrived migrants.
251 SE LEG 03: Law (2018:756) amending the Law on temporary limitations on the possibility of obtaining a residence permit in Sweden.
252 CH LEG 01: AsylA.