Practical tools and guides

The EUAA practical guides and tools help increase the knowledge and technical skills of asylum practitioners across the EU. The guides are commonly developed by and agreed with the members of the EUAA thematic networks and the approved by the Management Board. They establish operational standards and offer guidance in user-friendly formats, including checklists, pocket books, posters, web-based interactive tools, etc. 

For more information see Practical Tools and Guides Catalogue.


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Access to the Asylum Procedure


Access to the asylum procedure and registration


Practical guides


This toolkit on access to the asylum procedure was jointly developed by EUAA and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and in close collaboration with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and UNHCR.

The toolkit is intended to support the identification of third-country nationals and stateless persons who may wish to apply for international protection.

The toolkit includes:

  • Practical guide: providing guidance on core obligations of the first-contact officials, the rights of persons in need of international protection and information on applicable procedural guarantees;
  • Poster: presenting the 10 main messages on access to the asylum procedure;
  • Pocket book: featuring the core principles and main messages;
  • Leaflet on frequently asked questions: providing answers to some of the common questions that first-contact officials may have on access to the asylum procedure.
  • Video: providing guidance on the core obligations of first-contact officials at the borders or in detention facilities.
Target Group: First-contact officials
Publication Date: 08/2023
PF on Information provision in the Asylum Procedure

This practical guide was developed to support information providers during the asylum procedure. The guide describes information topics that need to be covered in the context of the asylum procedure and provides methodological guidance to ensure efficient information provision. This practical guide was developed in the context of the EUAA Let’s Speak Asylum project, which provides a standardised set of practical tools for the implementation of information provision activities during the asylum procedures, the Dublin procedure, reception and resettlement.  

For more information visit the EUAA portal Let’s speak asylum.

Target Group: Information provider, policymaker

Publication Date: 12/2024

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States. It provides practical guidance to registration officers in their daily work and supports managers in strengthening the national registration process.

The tool provides structured guidance on registration procedures, including procedures related to special needs and Dublin considerations.

Target Group: Registration Officer

Publication Date: 2021