Member States reported changes in policy to adapt asylum and reception information to the specific needs of minors, while other vulnerable groups were typically not covered in these initiatives in 2019. For example, the CGRS in Belgium updated its guide for unaccompanied minors applying for international protection243 and published two new guides on accompanied children’s right to be heard in the asylum procedure – one catering to children244 and the other to their parents or guardians.245 In addition, the Belgian Federal Public Service Interior launched a video on unaccompanied minors in the asylum procedure.246
OFPRA in France updated the “Asylum Guide for Unaccompanied Minors” which was published in January 2020. The authorities in Norway launched the website, Asylbarn, dedicated specifically for children in the asylum procedure.247 The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA, Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers) in the Netherlands began implementing recommendations based on the results of a commissioned report248 by developing a comic strip for minor applicants about everyday life in a reception centre,249 appointing a contact person and organising swimming lessons for children. The Swedish Migration Agency developed information on the asylum procedure specifically for children aged 7 to 12 years, available through a mobile application.
To bridge the gaps, civil society organisations provided targeted information to unaccompanied minors, for example in Croatia and Italy, while UNHCR developed a leaflet for minor applicants and other information materials on international protection in Spain.250
243 CGRS. (2019). Guide for Unaccompanied Minors Who Apply for Asylum in Belgium.
244 CGRS. (2019). BE_Guide for Accompanied Minors Who Apply for Asylum in Belgium.
245 CGRS. (2019). The Right to be Heard: For parents and guardians accompanied by minor children.
246 Federal Public Service Interior. (2019, April 3). MENA - MNBV.
247 Norwegian Directorate of Immigration and Police Immigration Unit. (n.d.). Asylbarn. Retrieved 20 May 2020, from
248 COA, avance- and Werkgroep Kind in azc. (2018). Leefomstandigheden van kinderen in asielzoekerscentra en gezinslocaties: Rapportage I: Conclusies en aanbevelingen.
249 COA. (2019). NL_Ik woon gewoon.
250 UNHCR. (2019). Podemos ayudarte: Folleto informativo sobre la protección internacional en España para menores migrantes no acompañados o separados.
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