The objectives of initiatives related to socio-cultural integration were diverse in EU+ countries in 2019. The project, European Module for Integration Courses, is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project involving European countries (Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia and Portugal) focuses on creating a curriculum and training material for an integration course for beneficiaries of international protection, in addition to national socio-cultural integration courses.677

The government in Sweden provided funding to increase the length of civic orientation from 60 to
100 hours, and Country Administrative Boards were commissioned to revise educational material to focus more on gender equality and human rights.

The amended Integration Act in Austria required the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs to provide value and orientation courses to third country nationals receiving benefits under the General Social Assistance Act.

The planned new Integration Act in Norway could also include obligatory parenting courses for refugees with children (NO LEG 01).

AMIF co-funded a project implemented by the Ministry of the Interior and the NGO, Slovo 21, in Czechia to organise integration seminars for beneficiaries of international protection. A first seminar was organised on rights and obligations and everyday life in Czechia, and a book was published providing basic information on various aspects of everyday life in the country. 

UNHCR Malta and the Human Rights and Integration Directorate of the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality launched the Turning the Tables project to empower beneficiaries of international protection and migrants in general to participate in policy and legislative processes.678

The Refugee Integration Centre in Lithuania provided several sessions for beneficiaries of international protection on everyday life in the country and access to different support services. The NGO, Shelter Safe House, in Latvia continued to receive state funding for socio-cultural integration courses for beneficiaries of international protection. The Welcome Centre in Tartu, Estonia opened to provide information and guidance for all newcomers settling in Estonia. 

Compulsory civic training included in the CIR aims to better understand and adopt the values of France. As of March 2019, it lasts four days instead of two with greater use of interactivity, in particular via communication technologies. Five main themes are presented: a portrait of France, employment, health, housing, parenting and values of France.


677 EMIC. (n.d.). EMIC project – European Module for Integration Courses. Retrieved 20 May 2020, from
678 European Web Site on Integration. (2019, January 31). Turning the Tables Project for migrant-led policymaking launched in Malta.

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