To provide evidence-based input to policy-makers, practitioners and the general public, EASO collects, processes and synthesises information across a number of asylum-related areas. EASO’s Data Hub manages a range of data allowing the agency to monitor and analyse the situation of asylum in EU+ countries. Through the EPS data exchange, EASO gathers information on a set of harmonised indicators on the key stages of CEAS, identifies emerging patterns and produces analysis to share timely information amongst Member States.

Throughout 2019, key data were shared monthly by 30 EU+ countries with EASO. The agency then analyses and assesses developments at the country level, information which is crucial to all Member States and partner organisations to anticipate trends, achieve common standards and implement effective procedures. EASO also conducts analysis on its operations in the four countries which receive direct operational support, for the purposes of monitoring and evaluation.

Furthermore, EASO’s research programme on early warning and the root causes of migration uses advanced technology to monitor the situation in countries of origin and transit. It produces a ‘big data’ estimation of push factors around the globe. Five early warning reports were produced in 2019.

EASO has also developed a central database, the Information and Documentation System (IDS) on CEAS, on information related to the implementation of CEAS in 31 EU+ countries. IDS on CEAS is a searchable knowledge base that provides users, including policy-makers and officials from more than 50 national authorities, a comprehensive overview of each stage of the asylum process, including information on legislation, policy and practice. New information is regularly validated by members of the IDS Advisory Group, consisting of experts in national asylum and reception authorities, for quality assurance. The restricted platform is only accessible to national administrations and EASO staff.

In line with this centralised information provision, EASO has also developed the EASO Case Law Database, which is an online, publicly-available resource. The platform collects jurisprudence related to the implementation of CEAS issued by national courts, CJEU and ECtHR. Currently, the Case Law Database includes approximately 1 000 registered cases.


Box 3.6 EASO queries


Asylum officials at EU and national levels frequently need information on specific asylum-related issues in a short timeframe to adapt policies and practices to emerging trends. To respond to this, EASO developed a Query System through which officials from EU+ countries can make publish written questions and receive replies on practices in other countries related to CEAS. 

The replies are consolidated in the system, and EASO prepares summary reports of the findings. Queries and the subsequent reports cover an array of precise topics, including asylum policies and processes, profiles of applicants, reception, the Dublin system, exclusion and COI.

Development is currently underway for an automated EASO Query Portal, which will manage all query processes by the different thematic networks.


