ACSG | Asylum Capacity Support Group | |
AVRR | Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme | |
AWAS | Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers | |
AZC | Asylum seekers’ centre in the Netherlands (asielzoekerscentrum) | |
BBU | Federal Agency for Care and Assistance Services in Austria (Bundesagentur für Betreuungs- und Unterstützungsleistungen) | |
BVMN | Border Violence Monitoring Network | |
CALL | Council for Alien Law Litigation in Belgium | |
CAT | UN Committee against Torture | |
CEAS | Common European Asylum System | |
CEDAW | United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women | |
CEF | Episcopal Conference of France | |
CEPOL | EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training | |
CGRS | Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons in Belgium | |
CIR | Republican Integration Contract in France | |
CJEU | Court of Justice of the European Union | |
COA | Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands (Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers) | |
COI | Country of origin information | |
CPH | Temporary accommodation centres in France | |
CPT | European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | |
DPAR | Measures assisted returns in France (dispositifs de préparation de l’aide au retour) | |
DT&V | Repatriation and Departure Service in the Netherlands | |
EASO | European Asylum Support Office | |
ECHR | European Convention on Human Rights | |
ECtHR | European Court of Human Rights | |
ECRE | European Council on Refugees and Exiles | |
EDAL | European Database of Asylum Law | |
EEAS | European External Action Service | |
EIGE | European Institute for Gender Equality | |
EMCDDA | European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction | |
EMN | European Migration Network | |
ENS | European Network on Statelessness | |
EPS | EASO’s Early Warning and Preparedness System | |
EQPR | European Qualifications Passport for Refugees | |
ETCC | Employer Tailored Chain Cooperation | |
EU+ | European Union Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland | |
eu-LISA | European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice | |
EUAA | EU Asylum Agency | |
Eurojust | EU Judicial Cooperation Agency | |
Europol | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation | |
Fedasil | Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers in Belgium | |
FEP | Protestant Federation of Mutual Aid | |
FGM | Female genital mutilation | |
FRA | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights | |
Frontex | European Border and Coast Guard Agency | |
GDP | Gross domestic product | |
GRETA | Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings | |
GRSI | Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative | |
ICC | Inter-Cultural Cities programme | |
ICCPR | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights | |
ICMC | International Catholic Migration Commission | |
ICMPD | International Centre for Migration Policy Development | |
IDMC | Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre | |
IDP | Internally displaced person | |
IGAD | Intergovernmental Authority on Development | |
IGI-DAI | General Inspectorate for Immigration–Asylum and Integration Directorate in Romania | |
IOM | International Organization for Migration | |
IPSN | Identification of Persons with Special Needs | |
IRPP | Irish Refugee Protection Programme | |
JHA | European Union Justice and Home Affairs | |
JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service | |
KIS | Knowledge Platform on Integration in Netherlands (Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving) | |
LBGTI | Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender and intersex | |
MENA | Middle East and North African | |
MIRPS | Comprehensive Regional Framework for Protection and Solutions in Central America and Mexico | |
MPI | Migration Policy Institute | |
OAU | Organization of African Unity | |
OFII | Office Français de l’Immigration et Intégration in France | |
ONA | Office national de l’accueil in Luxembourg | |
PFI | Push Factor Index82 | |
POL | Process reception centres in the Netherlands (processopvanglocatie) | |
REVIS | Law on social inclusion income in Luxembourg | |
SCIFA | Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum | |
SEM | Swiss State Secretariat for Migration | |
SIPRIOMI | Protection System for Beneficiaries of International Protection and Unaccompanied Foreign Minors in Italy | |
SOGI | Sexual orientation and gender identity | |
SRA | Specific Residence Authorisation in Malta | |
SSAR | Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees | |
TFEU | Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union | |
THB | Trafficking in human beings | |
UNCRC | United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child | |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | |
Vw | Dutch Aliens Act (Vreemdelingenwet) | |
WODC | Dutch Scientific Research and Documentation Centre |
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