Startseite Country Guidance Afghanistan 2020 3. Subsidiary protection 3.3. Article 15(c) QD 3.3.4. Indiscriminate violence Assessment by province S-Z New version of this publication is available Table of Contents Introduction Guidance note Actors of persecution and serious harm Refugee status Guidance on particular profiles with regard to qualification for refugee status Subsidiary protection Article 15(a) QD Article 15(b) QD Article 15(c) QD Actors of protection Internal protection alternative Part of the country Safety Travel and admittance Reasonableness to settle Exclusion a. Crime against peace, war crime or crime against humanity b. Serious (non-political) crime c. Acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN d. Danger to the community or the security of the Member State Common analysis 1. Actors of persecution or serious harm Preliminary remarks Overview: areas of control 1.1. The Afghan State and pro-government elements 1.2. Anti-Government elements 1.3. Other non-State actors 2. Refugee status Preliminary remarks Analysis of particular profiles 2.1. Members of the security forces and pro-government militias 2.2. Government officials, including judges, prosecutors and judicial staff; and those perceived as supporting the government 2.3. Individuals working for foreign military troops or perceived as supporting them 2.4. Religious leaders 2.5. Members of insurgent groups and civilians perceived as supporting them 2.6. Persons fearing forced recruitment by armed groups 2.7. Educational personnel 2.8. Humanitarian workers and healthcare professionals 2.9. Journalists, media workers and human rights defenders 2.10. Children 2.10.1. Violence against children: overview 2.10.2. Child marriage 2.10.3. Child recruitment 2.10.4. Child labour and child trafficking 2.10.5. Education of children and girls in particular 2.10.6. Children without a support network in Afghanistan 2.11. Women 2.11.1. Violence against women and girls: overview 2.11.2. Harmful traditional marriage practices 2.11.3. Women in public roles 2.11.4. Women perceived to have transgressed moral codes 2.11.5. Women perceived as ‘Westernised’ 2.11.6. Single women and female heads of households 2.12. Individuals perceived to have transgressed moral codes 2.13. Individuals perceived as ‘Westernised’ 2.14. LGBTIQ persons 2.15. Persons living with disabilities and persons with severe medical issues 2.16. Individuals considered to have committed blasphemy and/or apostasy 2.17. Ethnic and religious minorities 2.17.1. Individuals of Hazara ethnicity 2.17.2. Shia, including Ismaili 2.17.3. Hindus and Sikhs 2.17.4 Baha’i 2.18. Individuals involved in blood feuds and land disputes 2.18.1. Blood feuds 2.18.2. Land disputes 2.19. Individuals accused of ordinary crimes 2.20. Individuals who were born in Iran or Pakistan and/or who lived there for a long period of time 3. Subsidiary protection 3.1. Article 15(a) QD 3.2. Article 15(b) QD 3.3. Article 15(c) QD 3.3.1. Preliminary remarks 3.3.2. Armed conflict (international or internal) 3.3.3. Qualification of a person as a ‘civilian’ 3.3.4. Indiscriminate violence Indicators Indiscriminate violence in Afghanistan Assessment by province A-F Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamyan Daikundi/Daykundi Farah Faryab G-K Ghazni Ghor Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz L-R Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimroz Nuristan Paktika Paktya/Paktia Panjshir Parwan S-Z Samangan Sar-e Pul Takhar Uruzgan Wardak Zabul 3.3.5. Serious and individual threat 3.3.6. Qualification of the harm as ‘threat to (a civilian’s) life or person 3.3.7. Nexus/’by reason of’ 4. Actors of protection 4.1. The State 4.2. Parties or organisations 5. Internal protection alternative 5.1. Preliminary remarks 5.2. Part of the country 5.3. Safety 5.4. Travel and admittance 5.5. Reasonableness to settle 5.5.1. General situation 5.5.2. Individual circumstances 5.5.3. Conclusions on particular profiles 6. Exclusion 6.1. Preliminary remarks 6.2. Exclusion grounds 6.2.1. Crime against peace, war crime, crime against humanity 6.2.2. Serious (non-political) crime 6.2.3. Acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations 6.2.4. Danger to the community or the security of the Member State 6.3. Relevant circumstances 6.3.1. Past conflicts (1979-2001) 6.3.2. Current conflicts (2001-ongoing) 6.3.3. Criminality 6.4. Guidance with regard to Afghanistan 6.4.1. Article 12(2)(a) QD and Article 17(1)(a) QD 6.4.2. Article 12(2)(b) QD and Article 17(1)(b) QD 6.4.3. Article 12(2)(c) QD and Article 17(1)(c) QD Abbreviations and glossary Country of origin information references Relevant case law Share Drucken ⚠ Please note that this country guidance document has been replaced by a more recent one. The latest versions of country guidance documents are available at /country-guidance. Read the analysis and conclusions regarding the provinces of: Samangan Sar-e Pul Takhar Uruzgan Wardak Zabul Links für das Blättern im Buch S-Z Vorherige Übergeordnet Weiter