Startseite Executive Summary of the Asylum Report 2022 Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine Table of Contents Foreword Introduction 1. Global developments in the field of asylum 2. Major developments in asylum in the European Union Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine 3. EASO transition to the EUAA 4. Functioning of the Common European Asylum System 4.1. Access to the asylum procedure 4.2. The Dublin procedure 4.3. Special procedures to assess protection needs 4.4. Processing asylum applications at first instance Profile of asylum applicants arriving in EU+ countries 4.5. Processing asylum applications at second or higher instance 4.6. Pending cases 4.7. Reception of applicants for international protection Reception capacity to accommodate applicants for international protection 4.8. Detention during the asylum procedure 4.9. Access to information 4.10. Legal assistance and representation 4.11. Interpretation services 4.12. Country of origin information 4.13. Statelessness in the context of asylum 4.14. Content of protection 4.15. Return of former applicants Ensuring family unity 4.16. Resettlement and humanitarian admissions 5. Children and people with special needs in the asylum procedure Unaccompanied minors seeking protection Concluding remarks Share Drucken Download PDF PNG Links für das Blättern im Buch Temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine Vorherige Übergeordnet Weiter