
News Published: 19 Mayo 2022

EUAA lays out next steps to protect Ukrainians staying in private accommodation in the EU

Urban landscape with buildings

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published practical recommendations on the provision of emergency placement in private accommodation for persons displaced by the war in Ukraine. The publication aims to be a guide to relevant stakeholders (e.g., national, regional and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations) when matching displaced persons with available private accommodation.

The Agency’s practical recommendations come as it reports that nearly 2,8 million people have registered for temporary protection in the EU. Beneficiaries of the Temporary Protection Directive have an automatic right to accommodation, access to medical care and public-school education (in the case of minors), while in the European Union.

Among many other suggestions and tips, the EUAA notably recommends that authorities:

  • Put in place a mechanism to check whether the person offering accommodation has the right profile. Only people with no criminal records should be considered, and particular attention should be given to safety considerations and preventing trafficking in human beings.
  • Establish a list of minimum criteria, together with other key services (e.g., local authorities, law enforcement, civil society organisations), both for the housing itself, but also for the profiles of potential hosts – to be verified – before any placement is agreed upon. 
  • Design a mechanism to allow both parties to raise confidential complaints related to the arrangement at any time, ensuring that any emerging or urgent needs can be addressed swiftly. 

These practical recommendations do not aim to replace functioning and existing procedures within EU+ countries, regions, municipalities, districts and communities. Rather, they intend to complement these efforts while ensuring that safeguards for persons in need of emergency shelter and for those providing such accommodation are put in place in a coordinated, safe, effective and systematic manner.

You can review and download the EUAA’s report.



Russia’s War of Aggression against a sovereign, free and democratic Ukraine has displaced over 6,3 million according to UNHCR; with 5,3 million entering the European Union, including Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, as well as – separately – the Republic of Moldova. The majority are women and children. Since the adoption of the Temporary Protection Directive, which confers a right to accommodation for beneficiaries, national authorities across Europe have responded to the crisis by finding ways to increase their traditional reception capacity, including through the use of private accommodation.

On 25 March 2022, the Agency organised an extraordinary meeting of its network of reception authorities to discuss best practices related to the distribution, allocation and matching of people fleeing Ukraine with private housing solutions - across Member States and Associated Countries. The subsequent consultations led to the drafting of this document, and also include comments from the European Commission and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


Any further information may be obtained from the European Union Agency for Asylum’s Press Office at the following email address: