STANDARD 24: Ensure staff is provided with the necessary and appropriate training.

Indicator 24.1: Without prejudice to the need to provide specific training to staff working with unaccompanied children in the reception context, all training should be aligned to the broader framework of a Code of Conduct specifying the key concepts and principles underlying the work in the reception context.

Indicator 24.2: Staff working with unaccompanied children in the reception context has a thorough and timely introduction into the role.

  • Additional remarks: Induction training should take place no later than immediately after staff has been employed. Depending on the role assigned to the staff, the induction should include the standards of the applicable reception law and/or regulations, available national and relevant EASO tools (23).

Indicator 24.3: A clear training curriculum including the training requirements for each functional group exists for assessing, determining, documenting and addressing special reception needs as soon as possible and throughout the reception period.

  • Additional remarks: Core training for staff working in the reception context can be provided through the EASO Training curriculum module on reception (24).

Indicator 24.4: Training is provided in a regular manner and depending on the needs of staff.

  • Additional remarks: A long-term training programme should be developed, envisaging regular refresher training. Training should also be provided in case there are any substantial changes in applicable law and practice.

Indicator 24.5: Training provided includes gender and age-specific concerns, cultural training, conflict management, initial and specialised training on the identification of persons with special needs, awareness of mental health issues, recognising signs of radicalisation, and identification of victims of human trafficking as well as first aid and fire safety.

  • Additional remarks: Depending on the division of tasks regarding the work with unaccompanied children, training is provided according to profession/function. Staff covering/working night shifts should also receive minimal training on the topics mentioned above as well as a training regarding specific challenges that might occur during this period.
  • Modules included in the national curriculum can range from computer skills and foreign languages to a course on infectious diseases or the identification of victims of human trafficking, radicalisation but also on skills as to how to communicate with children.

Good practice on staff training
It is considered good practice to:

✓ identify training opportunities for all staff working with unaccompanied children in a reception context, e.g. specific training on trauma-informed practice, on working with children suffering from anxiety, or who have been trafficked, or who are bereaved, on fostering resilience, on independent living, on access to education/training/labour market; and/or;
✓ organise training through agreements with relevant actors (universities, lawyers, psychologists, NGOs, IOs, etc.);
✓ identify training methods that enables and encourages staff to perform work duties in a uniformed and coherent form;
✓ provide social workers and more broadly all staff members of the reception centres a training about prevention and detection of radicalisation.

(23) For a detailed list of EASO support tools cf. 'How to read the guidance', p. 15.
(24) EASO, Training curriculum module on reception, available at

