Introductory remarks

This chapter is composed of various subchapters covering the following aspects of housing:

  • location;
  • infrastructure of housing facilities;
  • security of housing facilities;
  • common areas;
  • sanitation;
  • maintenance;
  • communication equipment and services.

Each of these subchapters covers essential aspects of housing facilities, which complement each other.

EU+ States are free to choose from different types of housing provided to unaccompanied children as long as the special reception needs of unaccompanied children are taken into consideration. The different arrangements range from accommodation centres to alternative arrangements, including foster care, private houses, flats or other premises adapted for housing children (28).

At the same time, the practices of EU+ States reflect the use of different types of housing, depending on the phase of the asylum procedure, including for example transit centres, first/initial reception centres, or special facilities for applicants for international protection in the Dublin procedure. Consequently, the functionality of premises might differ depending on the time period intended for applicants for international protection to reside there. Therefore, the applicability of certain standards and indicators included in this chapter may depend on the type of housing chosen and on its purpose (e.g. long-term vs. short-term residence for unaccompanied children). Wherever a standard only applies to a specific type of housing, this will be mentioned.

Legal references – housing

• Article 17 RCD: General rules on reception conditions and healthcare
• Article 18(1) RCD: Modalities of material reception conditions

(28) European Network of Guardianship Institutions (ENGI), Alternative Family Care (ALFACA), available at

