6. Healthcare |
28. Ensure access to medical screening and health assessment and the prevention of health related issues at an early state of the reception process.
28.1 Information about the right to healthcare service, the purpose and meaning of medical screening, health assessment and vaccination programs should be given to unaccompanied children immediately after arrival in the reception centre.
28.2 A medical screening and health assessment should be conducted, if consented by the unaccompanied child, as soon as possible after arrival in the reception centre.
28.3 If vaccination programmes are not part of the general mandatory health programmes, necessary vaccinations should be provided to the unaccompanied children.
28.4 Unaccompanied children are provided with age-appropriate and sufficient sexual and reproductive health information and services.
28.5 Unaccompanied children are provided with contraceptive measures.
29. Ensure access to necessary healthcare, equal to that of nationals including preventive, mental, physical and psychosocial care.
29.1 Unaccompanied children have access to all types of necessary healthcare services.
29.2 Qualified medical personnel provide health care services.
29.3 Healthcare is available within reception facilities or within a reasonable distance on foot or via public transport and if needed unaccompanied children are accompanied by staff or the representative.
29.4 Necessary healthcare, including prescribed medication, is provided free of charge or economically compensated for through the daily expenses allowance.
29.5 Arrangements for safe storage and distribution of prescribed medication are in place within the reception facility.
29.6 Adequate arrangements are in place to ensure that unaccompanied children are able to communicate effectively with the medical personnel.
29.7 Arrangements are made to ensure access to first aid in emergencies.
29.8 Unaccompanied children are provided with access to their medical records, without prejudice to national legislation.
29.9 Specific arrangements are in place for unaccompanied children with special medical needs.
30. Ensure access to mental healthcare, rehabilitation services and qualified counselling for unaccompanied children who suffer from psychological difficulties and/or have been victims of any form of abuse, neglect, exploitation, torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, or who have suffered from armed conflicts, by developing and implementing SOPs on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS).
30.1 Unaccompanied children in need of mental healthcare, rehabilitation services and/ or qualified counselling are provided with such services by the presence of a clinical psychologist in the reception facility or the access to one outside the centre.
30.2 Qualified medical personnel provide mental healthcare, rehabilitation services and/or qualified counselling.