Introductory remarks

Adequate security of the housing and facilities: furniture and equipment should be ensured in line with applicable national legislation and regulations and with the overall goal to ensure asafe living environment for the unaccompanied children as well as the personnel working in the housing facilities.

STANDARD 50: Ensure sufficient security measures.

Indicator 50.1: A risk assessment of the housing and facilities is carried out on a regular basis, taking into account external and internal factors.

  •  Additional remarks: Factors to take into account for the risk assessment include security issues expressed by the unaccompanied children, the condition and location of the housing, attitudes of the local resident community, number of people to be accommodated, composition of nationalities among residents of the housing, age and gender, family status of children, children with special needs accommodated in the housing, and past incidents.

Indicator 50.2: Adequate security measures are introduced based on the outcome of the risk assessment.

  •  Additional remarks: These measures could include, for example: facilitating access control by setting up a fence around the housing, ensuring sufficient lighting in the outside areas of the housing premises, restricting public access where needed for the safety of the children, and the inclusion of security-related aspects in the ‘house rules’.
  • Unaccompanied children should be taught how to use fire blankets and extinguishers in a case of fire.

Indicator 50.3: Access to the premises is monitored.

  • Additional remarks: When the premises are monitored via a video monitoring system, it should only safeguard incoming and common areas. In addition, unaccompanied children should be informed about its existence and its purpose.

Indicator 50.4: Fire safety of the facilities is taken care of according to national legislation.

  • Additional remarks: There could be a facility-specific rescue plan including, for example, the regularity of fire drills, the number and location of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.

Indicator 50.5: It is possible to report security issues (e.g. theft, violence, threats, hostility from external community) to the responsible personnel in a safe manner.

  • Additional remarks: Unaccompanied children should be informed on the reporting line in case of security incidents.

Indicator 50.6: The numbers for emergency calls are displayed in a visible place and a phone is available.

  • Additional remarks: The phone number of the facility (available 24/7) is displayed in a visible place so that unaccompanied children can save it in their own phones or mark it down so that they are always able to contact someone if needed.

Indicator 50.7: Security measures also focus on the detection and prevention of sexual and GBV.

  • Additional remarks: Examples of such measures include appropriate lighting for areas, restricting the need for unaccompanied children to walk alone through or to isolated areas, restricting access to adults, doors should have locks, etc.

Indicator 50.8: Specific arrangements have been made for unaccompanied children with special needs.

  • Additional remarks: Specific measures should be put in place to ensure the security of all children, in particular those with special needs related to their age, family status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, physical and mental health problems. Specific security arrangements should also be in place for victims of human trafficking, sexual and GBV, torture or other forms of psychological and physical violence (cf. Chapter 3. Allocation, Standard 15 (Re-)allocation of children because of their special needs).

Indicator 50.9: The provision of a protected space which is free of hazards for unaccompanied children to play.

Good practice with regards to security measures
It is considered good practice to:

✓ make spaces available where specific groups can express security concerns in private, in order to encourage the reporting of violence;
✓ make use of a system for the recording or filing of security incidents.


