Summary table: Education - Preparatory classes and vocational training

Operational standards and indicators on the reception conditions of unaccompanied minors 

Chapter  Subchapter  Standard


7. Education -
classes and
vocational training

Access to the education system and other education arrangements

31. Ensure effective
access to the
education system
under similar
conditions as
nationals and no later than three months from the date on which the application for international protection was lodged. 

31.1 All unaccompanied children should have
access to the education system under similar condition to nationals.

31.2 All unaccompanied children who have reached the age of majority should be able to continue the secondary education.

31.3 Education is available outside at a reasonable distance or inside the housing and if needed the child is accompanied by child reception staff or the legal

31.4 Unaccompanied children who attend school or other education arrangements are enabled to participate in compulsory national school trips.

32. Ensure access to other education
where access to the
education system
is temporarily not possible due to the specific circumstances
in the MS or the
specific situation of
the child.

32.1 Specific arrangements are in place where the education services are provided within the accommodation facilities or other suitable locations.

32.2 Specific arrangements are in place for applicants for international protection with special needs.

7.2 Preparatory classes

33. Ensure access to and participation
in the education

33.1 All unaccompanied children should have access to internal or external preparatory classes, including language classes, when necessary, in order to facilitate their access to and participation in the education system.

33.2 Internal or external arrangements, including infrastructure, curriculum, and trained staff, are in place to ensure effective preparatory classes in line with the needs of the children.

7.3 Access to vocational training 

34. Ensure access to vocational training
when mainstream
classes are not
considered in the
best interests of
the child.

34.1 Unaccompanied children should have access to vocational training irrespective of the recognition of their previous education.

34.2 Specific arrangements are in place for unaccompanied children with special needs.
