STANDARD 42: Ensure that an adequate daily expenses allowance is provided.

Indicator 42.1: A clear definition of the scope of daily expenses allowance exists.

Indicator 42.2: The method for the calculation of the daily expenses allowance is clearly determined.

  • Additional remarks: ‘Determined’ means that the elements taken into account when defining the amount of the daily expenses allowance and the factors taken into account when assessing the amount under eachof them are described.

Indicator 42.3: The daily expenses allowance is provided at free disposal (‘pocket money’).

  • Additional remarks: Daily expenses allowance ‘at free disposal’ can never be provided in kind. The actual amount should be determined in relation to the national context. This should take into account complementary needs beyond the basic needs, such as products or services of individual choice (e.g. cultural activities, treats, games, going out).
  • How the money is provided to the unaccompanied children should be assessed in each case, taking into account the unaccompanied children’s need for supervision and help to spend or save pocket money (cf. Chapter 4. Day-to-day care).

Indicator 42.4: The amount of daily expenses allowance also reflects, as a minimum, the following expenses, unless ensured in kind: communication and information, school items, personal hygiene and body care, leisure activities and travelling costs as a result of healthcare visits and obtaining medication, the asylum procedure and legal assistance, and education for children enrolled in school or other education arrangements.

  • Additional remarks: Concerning the in-kind provision of school utensils and personal hygiene and body care (cf. Standards 39 and 41 as well as Chapter 6. Healthcare, Standard 29).

Indicator 42.5: The daily expenses allowance is provided regularly and no less than once a month.

  • Additional remarks: The regularity of provision should be determined according to the purpose (if specified), the amount and the form chosen for the provision of the allowance. Transparency should always be ensured.

Good practice on the provision of the daily expenses allowance
It is considered good practice to:

✓ take into account the individual situation of unaccompanied children (e.g. age/family composition) when calculating the amount of daily expenses allowance provided;
✓ provide the daily expenses allowance in advance of the period it is to cover;
✓ provide daily expenses allowance equal to the rate that is provided to children in mainstream services;
✓ provide daily expenses allowances on a card to avoid large amounts of cash money
