Last updated: June 2022
Women in Iraq continue to face violence, socio-economic restrictions and discriminatory practices, as a result of traditional stereotypes, patriarchal norms, discriminatory laws as well as weakness of state institutions [Targeting 2022, 7]. In regard of the specific situation and treatment of women in the context of Iraq and the KRI, due consideration should be given to the assessment of international protection needs of Iraqi female applicants.
For guidance on this topic, see the profile 2.1 Persons (perceived to be) affiliated with ISIL.

See other topics concerning women:
- 2.16.1. Violence against women and girls: overview
- 2.16.2. Forced and child marriage
- 2.16.3. Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
- 2.16.4. Women acting in the public sphere
- 2.16.5. Women perceived to have transgressed moral codes
- 2.16.6. Women perceived to be associated with ISIL
- 2.16.7. Single women and female heads of households