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Annual Training Report 2022 – Delivery of the European Asylum Curriculum

> Overview

See key facts and figures on EUAA training in 2022 as well as a focus on the response to the war in Ukraine.

> Training Activities

Here you can find more details about training activities carried out during the year. 

> Observations&trends

This section presents findings about delivery trends and learner feedback.


Here you can find key figures and details about the European Asylum Curriculum modules.

European Asylum Curriculum


The European Asylum Curriculum provides the basis for a common, vocational training system for officials working in national authorities responsible for asylum and reception. Under certain circumstances it is made available to other relevant national administrations and organisations whose staff require training in the competence areas covered. It is used throughout the European Union as well as in third countries in the context of capacity building activities. The curriculum also forms the basis for training delivered in an operational context supporting countries whose asylum and reception systems are under disproportionate pressure from migratory flows. The training enables deployed personnel to swiftly become operational, ready to provide on-the-ground assistance.


The curriculum tangibly supports the harmonisation of practice

The curriculum has been developed in line with Article 8 of the EUAA Regulation and builds on existing cooperation within the EU in the field of asylum to promote best practices and high standards in the implementation of EU law on asylum. Member States are obliged to include core parts of the curriculum in the training they develop for their staff. The curriculum tangibly supports the application of the Common European Asylum System.



Training curriculum



In 2022, the first of a series on online only modules were launched which provide the basic knowledge necessary for any person working in the field. 

  • Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights and international protection in the EU
  • Introduction to communication for asylum and reception practitioners
  • Introduction to ethical and professional standards
  • Working with an interpreter

The EUAA continued to implement new instructional design principles in all new and upgraded modules of the European Asylum Curriculum.

Consult the online European Asylum Curriculum catalogue here or the PDF version available here to find a comprehensive summary of all the curriculum modules and the languages in which they are available. It includes essential information such as the target learners, the learning outcomes, a module overview, the mode of delivery and the duration of the training. 

You can find out more about the delivery of the modules in the tabs below. The following grouping of modules was used according to thematic area or target group. Some modules are relevant to more than one area: 

  • Foundation and introductory modules provide essential information about the legal framework and fundamental rights applicable to asylum seekers. They also include training to build essential horizontal skills.
  • Modules for asylum officials include core modules for case workers which provide a structured method for interviewing applicants, assessing their claims and deciding on whether they fit the criteria for international protection. There are also a wide range of modules dealing with areas of specialisation.
  • Vulnerability modules ensure that vulnerable persons are identified and their needs met throughout the asylum process.
  • Training in the area of reception looks at how obligations can be implemented practically to improve efficiency and the quality of reception conditions. 
  • Modules for trainers enable Member States to train their own trainers. National asylum and reception authorities can then construct training paths to suit the needs of their asylum and reception officials. 


European Asylum Curriculum modules

Foundation and introductory modules

Foundation and introductory modules (including for first contact officers)

Foundation and introductory modules are aimed at persons starting work in the area of international protection or persons from other sectors who deal with asylum matters on a regular basis

Modules for first contact officers and registration officers

Other modules on legal framework and fundamental rights

  • Common European Asylum System (replaced by Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights and international protection in the EU)
  • Fundamental rights and international protection in the EU (replaced by Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights and international protection in the EU)
  • International refugee law and human rights (discontinued)




Modules for asylum officials

Modules for asylum officials (core, advanced and specific)

These modules cover the essential knowledge required by asylum officials and modules which enable officials to specialise in a specific area of competence.

Core modules for caseworkers

Advanced modules for caseworkers

Specific competence areas

    Country of Origin information:


      Dublin III Regulation:

      Exclusion and end of protection:

      Management and supervision:


      • Resettlement (this module is also relevant for reception officials)

      Legal framework

      • Asylum Procedures Directive




      Modules on vulnerability

      The horizontal modules are relevant for any person working in the field of international protection or persons from other sectors who may come into contact with vulnerable persons at any stage of the asylum process. Other modules are specific to persons working in the context of asylum and/or reception.




        Modules for reception officials

        The Agency has extended the range of training modules specifically focused on reception.



        Modules for trainers

        Member State officials who wish to become trainers and deliver national training sessions can gain the necessary knowledge and skills by following the modules which make up the trainer's path. If they then decide to become a trainer for trainers, they should follow specific training related to the area in which they will train. Currently, this training is available for persons who with to become trainers for trainers in the asylum core modules.

        Trainers for learners:

        Trainers for trainers