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2.4.5. Determining protection provided by the UNRWA

icon case law on determining protection provided by the UNRWA
In Bundesrepublik Deutschland v XT (C-507/19), the CJEU ruled on the interpretation of the recast Qualification Directive, Article 12(1a) in a case of a stateless person of Palestinian origin from the UNRWA refugee camp of Yarmouk. To determine the protection provided by the UNRWA, the Federal Administrative Court of Germany asked the CJEU whether the national court should consider only the UNRWA area of operations in which the person resided at the time of departure or also other fields within the area of operations. The CJEU responded that the individual assessment should take into account all the fields of the UNRWA’s area of operations which the person could access and safely remain.The Federal Administrative Court’s judgement was delivered on 27 April 2021, following the CJEU decision: