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4.4.1. Reorganisation of first instance asylum authorities

4.4.1. Reorganisation of first instance asylum authorities

icon for reorganization of first instance authorities
Several countries started to reorganise their asylum and reception services or completed restructuring their first instance authorities with the aim of clarifying the tasks and division of competences between their offices and various other ministries.

Cyprus is in the process of reorganising the Asylum Service, including the asylum administration and the Ministry.

In Iceland, a new decree was adopted in November 2021 which mandated the Ministry of Social Affairs to provide reception to applicants and integration services to beneficiaries of international protection, whereas the Directorate of Immigration (operating under the Ministry of Justice) will continue to be responsible for the examination of asylum applications.Forsetaúrskurður um skiptingu stjórnarmálefna milli ráðuneyta í Stjórnarráði Íslands. Nr. 125/2021 [Presidential Decree on the division of political responsibilities among ministries in the Government of Iceland, No 125/2021]…
In Spain, the Secretary of State for Migration and the International Protection and Humanitarian Assistance Programmes were reorganised under the same General Directorate, and a new General Sub-Directorate was created for Migratory Analysis.Real Decreto 286/2021, de 20 de abril, por el que se modifican el Real Decreto 139/2020, de 28 de enero, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de los departamentos ministeriales, y el Real Decreto 497/2020, de 28 de abril, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones [Royal Decree 286/2021 of 20 April, amending Royal Decree 139/2020 of 28 January 2015 establishing the basic organisational structure of the ministerial departments and Royal Decree 497/2020 of 28 April 2012 developing the basic organisational structure of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration].  Furthermore, in October 2021, the Executive Commission of the Interministerial Commission of Retributions reorganised tasks in different departments within the Spanish Office of Asylum (Ministry of Home Affairs). As a result, a new Sub-Directorate of International Protection (Subdirección Adjunta de Protection Internacional) and three new heads of department (Jefaturas de Area) were established. The new sub-directorate has been assigned the assessment of international protection cases and statelessness, while the other has taken on horizontal topics, such as legislation, registry, archives, appeals, etc.