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4.15.3. Digitalising return procedures

4.15.3. Digitalising return procedures

icon presenting digitalising return procedures

The digitalisation of return processes facilitates efficiency, enhances the synergies between the asylum and return systems, and ensures compliance with the EU legal framework (e.g. SIS regulation). In 2021, EU+ countries resorted to tools supported by Frontex, such as the Frontex Application for Return (FAR) (a web-based application aimed at supporting the organisation of return operations and providing technical assistance to voluntary returns), to improve the implementation of returns.

New databases are being developed in Estonia to fulfil requirements and recommendations following the Schengen return-related evaluation. Finland has also implemented various projects on processing data and digitalising information systems, while the relevant legal framework was adapted accordingly. 

In 2021, the use of FAR in the Netherlands was expanded to foreign nationals who leave voluntarily, and discussions with the IOM Netherlands are ongoing to explore the possibility to include the IOM in the Dutch cooperation with Frontex.

In Croatia, AMIF funds have been allocated for the implementation of the project "Informatisation of work and work processes in the Detention Centre for Foreigners", which aims to establish an electronic database of accommodated foreigners and enable video calls and conversations to take place between foreigners and their diplomatic and consular missions in and outside of Croatia.Ministry of the Interior | Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova. (2021, March 15). Odluku o dodjeli financijskih sredastaca za provedbu projekta "Informatizacija rada i radnih procesa u Prihvatnom cetru za strance" u okviru Fonda za azil migracije i integraciju [Decision to allocate financial resources for the implementation of the project "Informatisation of work and work processes in the Detention Centre for Foreigners" under the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund. 511-01-136-20-6.…  It also supports international organisations or other transit detention centres for foreigners to improve return procedures.

In Luxembourg, the Directorate of Immigration participated in the Recamas project, launched by Frontex, to carry out a gap analysis to identify possible shortcomings in the national returns case management system and to propose measures for improvements. The analysis was carried out with the participation of all stakeholders involved in return management.

Slovakia is involved in the Readmission Case Management System (RCMS) platform with Sri Lanka, and it was recently launched with Pakistan but has not yet been used in practice.