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Strategic approaches related to the organisation of reception systems were adapted, for example in Cyprus, Germany, Finland, Spain and Sweden. In Cyprus, work was underway on an integrated national reception strategy. In Spain, the reform of the reception system continued throughout 2021. Only recognised beneficiaries of international protection can be referred to the second phase of the national reception system as of 2021.Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations | Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. (2021, January 4). La segunda fase del Sistema de Acogida estará reservada a beneficiarios de protección internacional [The second phase of the Reception System will be reserved for beneficiaries of international protection].…;  The State Secretary for Migration announced a 17% increase in the budget for migration for 2022,Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations | Ministerio de Inclusion, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. (2021, October 25). El Presupuesto para Migraciones aumenta y refuerza la red de acogida estatal y la migración ordenada [Budget for Migration increases and reinforces the state reception system and orderly migration].…  covering mainly the upgrade of the reception system, in line with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan that was adopted in June 2021.Government of Spain | Gobierno de España. (2021, July 16). Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia [Recovery, transformation and resilience plan].…  According to this plan, one in every three reception places will be part of the state reception network by 2024. It was one in every ten places in 2019.Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations | Ministerio de Inclusion, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. (2021, October 25). El Presupuesto para Migraciones aumenta y refuerza la red de acogida estatal y la migración ordenada [Budget for Migration increases and reinforces the state reception system and orderly migration].…  Civil society organisations, like CEAR,Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid | Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…  Fundación Cepaim Convive - Fundación Cepaim. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…  and ECRE,European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2021). Boosting asylum in Spain - Making the most out of AMIF funding: ECRE's recommendations for Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) spending in Spain. Policy Note 37.  provided comments on the new and planned reform measures and put forward recommendations aiming to ensure that applicants’ reception rights are respected and the new system is fully compliant with CEAS.

The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees published an evaluation of 14 AnkER facilities and reception facilities with similar functions in six federal states.Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. (2021, February 24). Evaluation der AnkER-Einrichtungen und der funktionsgleichen Einrichtungen [Evaluation of AnkER Facilities and Functionally Equivalent Facilities]: Forschungsbericht 37 [Research Report 37].… The evaluation report concluded that the centres allowed for a more rapid identification of applicants and their countries of origin, and the average duration of asylum procedures in these facilities was slightly shorter, 77 days compared to 82 days in other facilities. However, the rate of Dublin transfers was lower and failed returns were higher than in other locations, although the differences were decreasing over time.Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. (2021, February 24). Evaluation der AnkER-Einrichtungen und der funktionsgleichen Einrichtungen [Evaluation of AnkER Facilities and Functionally Equivalent Facilities]: Forschungsbericht 37 [Research Report 37].… The evaluation found that the overall experience with these centres was positive, but the coalition agreement of the new German government will no longer use the AnkER concept, even though similar facilities for initial reception remain.Federal Government | Bundesregierung. (2021, October 12). Mehr Fortschritt wagen: Koalitionsvertrag 2021-2025 zwischen der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD), BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN und den Freien Demokraten (FDP) [Dare more progress: Coalition Agreement 2021-2025 among the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Alliance 90/The Greens and the Free Democrats (FDP)].…
In France, a National Reception Plan for asylum seekers and refugees set out the roadmap for 2021-2023, taking into account the situation of asylum applicants in France and the major measures put in place by the Asylum Law of September 2018. The National Reception Plan was prepared in consultation with everyone involved in asylum policy
(e.g. state services, institutional partners and associations). The plan focuses on two areas: better accommodation and better support for asylum seekers and refugees. The main objectives are to increase the share of asylum seekers who are accommodated in the national reception system; place asylum seekers in regions at an earlier stage; identify vulnerabilities and direct vulnerable asylum seekers to appropriate facilities; prepare and facilitate Dublin transfers to another Member State; and ensure that refugees are rapidly referred to the appropriate accommodation and rejected asylum seekers to the return preparation centre without being transferred to mainstream accommodation.

In Finland, legislative work continued to prepare for an eventual mass influx of migrants, and several amendments were introduced to the Reception Act. The Finnish Immigration Service must draw up a contingency plan for large-scale arrivals and has a central role in organising reception and give instructions to other actors in this scenario.Ministry of the Interior | Sisäministeriö. (2021, December 16). Vastaanottolain muutos selkeyttää vastuita laajamittaiseen maahantuloon varautumisessa [Amendment to the reception act clarifies responsibilities for preparing for mass influx of migrants].… In order to simplify workflows, the Finnish Immigration Service launched the PLANE project with AMIF funding, aiming to reform the electronic documentation of applicant files in reception centres, detention units (see Section 4.9) and the system providing assistance to victims of human trafficking (see Section 5).Ministry of the Interior | Sisäministeriö. (2021, November 1). AMIF-rahaston viimeisestä hausta 7,5 miljoonaa euroa EU-tukea hanketoimintaan [Last AMIF call for proposals to distribute EUR 7.5 million in EU support for projects].…
Similarly, the online web application, Match-IT, which Fedasil launched in 2015 for the central management of the reception network in Belgium, has been gradually extended and improved over the years. In April 2021, a new feature was rolled out to document social aspects of an applicant. In addition, a new IT system was launched in the arrival centre in Brussels to document residents in accommodation.

The Swedish government established an inquiry on an orderly initial reception of asylum seekers. The inquiry is tasked to propose measures to ensure that asylum seekers choose to live in the Swedish Migration Agency's accommodation throughout the asylum period, propose how a statutory obligation to participate in social introduction can be formulated, consider the scope of persons covered under the Law on Reception of Asylum Seekers and Others, and review the scope of benefits covered by this act (see Section

As in previous years, several changes were implemented in the organisation of the reception system in Greece throughout 2021. The Ministry of Migration and Asylum took over the cash assistance component of the ESTIA programme from UNHCR in October 2021,United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2021, September 30). UNHCR hands over the management of the cash assistance programme for asylum seekers in Greece to the Greek Government.…  while it had already managed the accommodation part since 2020.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.  This transition entailed policy changes in entitlements, while civil society organisations observed delays in the provision of cash assistance (see Section On the islands and in Fylakio (at the border), Law No 4825/2021 foresees that the RIS can create three reception types: Reception and Identification Centres (RICs/K.Y.T.), Controlled Structures for the Temporary Accommodation of Asylum Seekers, and Closed Controlled Access Centres (CCAC/ΚΕΔ). RICs and CCACs were established and operated on the islands in 2021 and the Reception and Identification Service took several measures to strengthen safeguards and improve conditions within these facilities, for example, through a closer monitoring of contractors. CCACs were operating on the mainland in different locations, and it was planned that from November 2021, facility management (maintenance, technical works, repairs, cleaning and security) is managed by private companies.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, January 13). Overview of the organisation of reception systems in EU+ countries. Situational Update No 8.…

As in recent years, the living conditions in reception centres in Greece, particularly on the islands and at the border, continued to be the subject of serious concerns by various stakeholders. Although important improvements were made in CCACs to comply with EU standards on living space and reception conditions within the containers and hygiene conditions, reservations remained related to the site design, set-up and location of the centres. The European Committee of Social Rights found, for example, that Greece failed to provide adequate accommodation to applicant children on the islands and sufficient long-term accommodation for them on the mainland (see Section 5). 

The Greek Administrative Court granted pecuniary damages to an Egyptian and Syrian applicant who lost relatives in the fires which destroyed the Moria reception camp in September 2020.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.  The appearance of the CCAC in Vathy, Samos – including double barbed-wire fences, watchtowers and the deployment of security personnel in uniform – raised concerns about isolating residents of the camp.Network for Children's Rights | Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.… Border Violence Monitoring Network. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…; European Website on Integration. (2021, September 23). Greece: New reception centre risks isolating asylum seeker residents.…
Several adjustments were made in Italy as well. For example, the Ministry of the Interior announced the plan to build a transit centre for migrants at the border with France, to allow police forces to identify people and verify their legal status.Ministry of Interior | Ministero dell‘Interno. (2021, November 19). A Ventimiglia un centro di transito per accogliere i migranti [In Ventimiglia a transit centre to welcome migrants].…  The ministry also signed a memorandum of understanding with civil society organisations (Rete per la Parità, Le Contemporanee, the National Council of Italian Women and the Italian division of Soroptimist International) to support the reception and integration of Afghan evacuees.Ministry of Interior | Ministero dell‘Interno. (2021, December 16). Intesa al Dipartimento per le Libertà Civili per accoglienza profughi afghani [Agreement at the Department for Civil Liberties on the reception of Afghan refugees].…  Ships continued to be used as quarantine facilities throughout 2021, raising further concerns, for example from the National Authority for the Rights of Persons Deprived of their LibertyNational ombudsman for the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty | Garante Nazionale dei diritti delle persone private della libertà personale. (2021). Relazione al Parlamento 2021 [Report to the Parliament 2021].…  and several civil society organisations.Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration | Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione. (March 2021). Diritti in rotta. L’esperimento delle navi quarantena e i principali profili di criticità [Rights en route. The experiment with quarantine vessels and the main critical points].…

In Luxembourg, the new first-reception centre started its operations at the beginning 2021,Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs | Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes. (2020, December 22). Jean Asselborn à l'inauguration du nouveau Centre de primo-accueil pour demandeurs de protection internationale [Jean Asselborn at the inauguration of the new First Reception Centre for applicants for international protection].…  and staff optimised processes and information flows. Particular focus was given to promote voluntary returns for applicants with little chances of being recognised to avoid forced returns. Reception structures for applicants in the Dublin procedure were established in the initial reception system. In addition, a complete IT overhaul has been started and was under implementation in the country’s reception system.

Continuing with its reform of the reception system, the Norwegian UDI announced 12 framework agreements in its five regions. The agreements require contractors to be able to activate up to 5,000 places per region to address fluctuations in capacity needs.