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The increasing number of applicant children prompted more focus on their education, for example in Bulgaria and Romania. Overall 85 applicant children started the school year in Bulgaria, including – for the first time – seven first-graders. The State Agency for Refugees organises the daily commute to and from the school.State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers | Държавната агенция за бежанците при Министерския съвет. (2021, September 15). На добър час през новата учебна 2021-2022 година [Good luck in the new school year 2021-2022].  Civil society organisations stepped in to support children with preparatory and catch-up classes.European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…  

The Romanian Ministry of Education observed that in the 2020/2021 school year most of the newly-arrived applicant and refugee children were enrolled in preparatory classes and thus were not registered in official school records. Many of them did not have access to tablets or laptops to follow online schooling. Due to poor Romanian language skills, many of them could not acquire or demonstrate the same level of knowledge as their national peers, received poorer grades and were often included in lower class levels than their age would require.Ministry of Education | Ministerul Educație. (2021, February 24). Ordin privind aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Programului național pilot de tip "Școala după școală" pentru elevii până la clasa a VIII-a inclusiv [Order concerning the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the National Pilot Program "School after school" for students up to and including the 8th grade]. Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 186 of 24 February 2021.  To address these challenges, the ministry launched the educational programme School after School for children in the most vulnerable situations (including applicants and refugees) to improve Romanian language and mathematics skills. In addition, AMIF-funded projects of the General Inspectorate for Immigration implemented by civil society organisations provided Romanian language courses and educational activities both online and in-person for applicant and beneficiary children in regional reception centres and regional integration centres. Support included the provision of tablets for educational purposes.

The Irish government continued with initiatives launched in 2020 to facilitate access to education for applicant students.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union. Applicants who have permission to work and would like to enrol in Post-Leaving Certificate courses do not have to pay the international fee of EUR 3,600 for the 2021/2022 academic year.Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science | An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta. (2021, March 11). Ministers Harris and O’Gorman announce further changes for students living in direct provision.… The government also extended the student support scheme for post-graduate coursesDepartment of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science | An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta. (2021, August 27). Continuation and expansion of Student Support Scheme for asylum seekers in the international protection system announced by Minister Harris.…  and examined the possibility to extend English language support.Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science | An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta. (2021, March 11). Ministers Harris and O’Gorman announce further changes for students living in direct provision.…  Following the removal of some of the barriers in 2020 the Minister for Further and Higher Education reported that the number of applications and grant holders increased fivefold.Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science | An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta (2021, March 11). Ministers Harris and O’Gorman announce further changes for students living in direct provision.…

The Latvian Ministry of Education and Science prepared a report on applicant children’s education, informing the Cabinet of Ministers of the challenges and potential solutions in light of the increased number of applicant children in the country.

The Centre for Peace Studies in Croatia analysed the education of applicant and beneficiary children in a thematic report and found some bottlenecks in the current legal framework. The report provides recommendations to overcome both legislative and practical barriers.European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee reported on delays in accessing education due to the special conditions to submit an intent to apply for asylum (see Section 4.1). It also observed positive examples of working together with local schools.European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…

In contrast, the Greek National Commission for Human Rights noted that access to formal education was non-existent at the facility of Vathy in Samos, as the recruitment process for teachers for the afternoon preparatory class programme was not launched. Approximately 1,500 children living in the hotspot were offered only non-formal education by different NGOs.Greek National Commission for Human Rights | Εθνική Επιτροπή για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου, & European Network of Human Rights Institutions. (2021, July 14). National Report on the situation of human rights of migrants at the borders: Executive Summary.…

The case cited earlier from the European Committee of Social Rights also concluded that children did not have access to education on the islands. A report from the Greek Refugee Council and Save the Children found that in open accommodation sites 60% of children were enrolled in some form of education, while only 14% attended in practice. In RICs, only 9% of school-aged children were enrolled and 0.3% attended classes.Greek Council for Refugees | Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες, & Save the Children. (September 2021). Back to School? Refugee Children in Greece Denied Right to Education.…  The Greek Ombudsperson and civil society organisations urged the government to ensure that applicant children are swiftly included and kept in mainstream education in local schools.European Website on Integration. (2022, May 31). Educational integration of children living in facilities and reception centres of the Ministry of Immigration & Asylum. 11 March 2021.…; European Website on Integration. (2021, March 9). Open letter: Αll children have the right to go to school; do not take that away from them.…  

Building on trends in recent years in several EU+ countries on rendering social orientation more extensive and swifter for applicants and recognised beneficiaries of international protection,See: European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.; European Union Agency for Asylum. (2020). EASO Asylum Report 2020: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.; European Union Agency for Asylum. (2019). Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2018.… social orientation classes became obligatory in Sweden for all applicants as soon as possible after an application for asylum has been registered. The induction is now more comprehensive and delivered to all applicants over the age of 15 through two half-day sessions, while the material is adapted and in written for accompanied children and studied with the case officer for unaccompanied children. The sessions are organised in different languages in first reception centres or through videoconference for persons who have their own accommodation. The Swedish Migration Agency offers childcare while parents follow the course.Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (2021, October 8). Nu startar den nya samhälls¬in¬tro¬duk¬tionen för asyl¬sö¬kande [The new social introduction for asylum seekers is now beginning].…

In Italy, the Ministry of the Interior issued a decree modifying previous tender specifications by increasing the per capita amount awarded to managing organisations of reception facilities in order to cover psychological support, social and local guidance, and language courses.Ministry of Interior | Ministero dell‘Interno. (2021, February 24). Nuovo schema di capitolato di appalto per la fornitura di beni e servizi relativi alla gestione e al funzionamento dei centri [New outline of tender specifications for the supply of goods and services related to the functioning and operation of the centres].… This is a result of legal changes from 2020, when the Reception Decree Law was amended to clearly list the types of services provided within first-line reception facilities.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.; Legge 18 dicembre 2020, n. 173 Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 21 ottobre 2020, n. 130, recante disposizioni urgenti in materia di immigrazione, protezione internazionale e complementare, modifiche agli articoli 131-bis, 391-bis, 391-ter e 588 del codice penale, nonche' misure in materia di divieto di accesso agli esercizi pubblici ed ai locali di pubblico trattenimento, di contrasto all'utilizzo distorto del web e di disciplina del Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone private della liberta' personale. (20G00195) [Law No 173 of 18 December 2020, Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law No 130 of 21 October 2020 laying down urgent provisions on immigration, international protection and supplementary protection, amendments to Articles 131-bis, 391-bis, 391-ter and 588 of the Criminal Code, as well as measures concerning the prohibition of access to public establishments and premises of public detention, combating the misuse of the web and regulating the rights of persons deprived of personal freedom. (20G00195)].  ASGI questioned whether the increase would be sufficient to cover the hours of services.European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…  

Among the activities offered in reception centres, the Bulgarian State Agency for Refugees organised Bulgarian language classes for children and adults, well-being sessions for womenState Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers | Държавната агенция за бежанците при Министерския съвет. (2021, December 3). Практики „Грижа за себе си“ в РПЦ-София [Self-care practices in the ROC-Sofia].  (see Section 5), sports activities, and online screenings in the frames of a film festival.State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers | Държавната агенция за бежанците при Министерския съвет. (2021, January 29). Филмов фестивал в РПЦ-София [Film Festival in the ROC-Sofia].; State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers | Държавната агенция за бежанците при Министерския съвет. (June 2021). Бюлетин на Държавна - агенция за бежанците: Брой 3 [State Bulletin - Agency for Refugees: Number 3].…

Civil society organisations in Malta offered different activities, many of them focusing on providing counselling and outreach to women (see Section 5). Aditus welcomed the significant increase in the number of reception staff working in centres but observed that many residents still did not have enough information on accessing services.European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.…

An AMIF-funded project in the Netherlands aimed to develop and implement a methodology which allows residents in reception centres to actively participate in civic and social life within and outside of reception centres. So-called #Join-counters were set up to engage and inform residents, offer them a wide range of participation activities and encourage them to participate. The project also covered language lessons in reception centres and training and information meetings for staff on location about the methodology and knowledge on facilitating and offering participation activities.Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers | Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers. (2022, February 4). Goede projectresultaten bereikt met Europese subsidie [Good project results achieved with European subsidy].…

Another project provided support for integration and for navigating in Dutch society. In addition, recognised beneficiaries of international protection gave online and physical workshops to applicants still waiting for a decision in a reception facility. The workshops were organised according to different target groups, for example people from a certain country of origin or persons with visual impairments. Short videos were developed on different subjects of the civic integration exam, explained by former beneficiaries of international protection who successfully passed the test. A few role models posted vlogs.Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers | Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers. (2022, February 4). Goede projectresultaten bereikt met Europese subsidie [Good project results achieved with European subsidy].…

Fedasil in Belgium launched an action plan for the integration of applicants. A Participation in Society Unit was created within the Future Orientation Department. A general guidance trajectory is planned to be elaborated, focusing on participation in society. In addition, a pilot project will be launched on individual coaching.
