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UNHCR launched its Integration Policy Brief in September 2021, dedicated to the promotion of effective access of refugees in the social protection systems impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (September 2021). Integration Policy Brief I: Leave no one behind: promoting effective access of refugees in social protection systems in post-pandemic Europe.

Until January 2021, refugees could aggregate periods of residence from their home country with periods of residence in Denmark for the calculation of their old age pension. 40 years of residence in Denmark qualifies for full old age pension and less years than 40 years for a pro rata share. The decision to omit the exemption for refugees was decided in 2015 with a transition period. The Danish Gerontological Society warned about the fact that elderly refugees are often socially marginalised, and the new rules may increase their poverty.European Website on Integration. (2021, March 5). Denmark: Elderly people with refugee background face increasing poverty. https://ec.europ

An amendment to the Norwegian Social Services Act came into force, which requires third-country nationals older than 30 years with insufficient Norwegian knowledge to participate in language training as a condition to receive financial support.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.

The CJEU concluded that excluding beneficiaries of international protection from the Italian family card scheme was contrary to EU law (see Section 2).

An administrative court in Bulgaria underlined that beneficiaries of international protection must have the same access to social assistance, including family allowances, as Bulgarian nationals and referred back the case for re-consideration to the Social Assistance Directorate, which originally refused to grant the allowance.

Asylex in Switzerland reported on the limited amount of social assistance available for persons with temporary admission, which can differ from canton to canton.Asylex. (2022). Input to the Asylum Report 2022.
