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4.16.2. Reception for resettled refugees 

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The reception phase for resettled refugees begins upon arrival to the country of resettlement. The arrangements and services which are provided differ from one country to another. In terms of national developments in 2021, a new integration centre was opened in Sisak, Croatia by the Civil Rights Project Sisak (CRP Sisak) to host resettled refugees and other beneficiaries of international protection (see Section 4.14).European Website on Integration. (2021, March 28). Croatia: New migrant integration centre.… In addition, a new mobile application called “(Re)Settle in Croatia” was made available on Google Play and Apple Store as of July 2021. The free mobile application, which is available in Arabic, Croatian, English, and Kurdish Kurmanji, provides useful information to resettled refugees on their rights services available, such as health care, education and work) and an audio-dictionary.

The French government approved an instruction (missing hyperlink) with guidelines on reception policies for resettled refugees in February 2021. This document, targeting the hosting regions and local actors, presented the guidelines for the year (national objectives, financial resources, governance system) and established the division of responsibilities for the reception of resettled refugees between central and local administrations and funded organisations, the regional distribution and the monthly calendar for 2021 arrivals.Instruction relative aux orientations de la politique d'accueil des réfugiés réinstallés pour l'année 2021, NOR: INTV2101167J [Instruction on the guidelines for the reception policy of resettled refugees for the year 2021, NOR: INTV2101167J].

With AMIF funding of about EUR 7.5 million, 17 projects were selected by the Finnish government to develop its asylum system in different aspects. One project aims to support the refugee quota programme, focusing in particular on refugees with special needs, supporting mental health, rehabilitation from war trauma, reinforcing paths to working life and organising cultural orientation training.Ministry of the Interior | Sisäministeriö. (2021, November 1). AMIF-rahaston viimeisestä hausta 7,5 miljoonaa euroa EU-tukea hanketoimintaan [Last AMIF call for proposals to distribute EUR 7.5 million in EU support for projects] [Press release].…

Reception capacity in some EU+ countries was limited due to social distancing measures and avoiding overcrowded centres. For example, Belgium paused all transfers of selected refugees, while in Switzerland, resettled refugees were temporarily hosted in cantonal reception facilities in the cities of Zurich and Berne due to a lack of accommodation in Swiss federal asylum centres.State Secretariat for Migration | Staatssekretariat für Migration | Secrétariat d’État aux migrations | Segreteria di Stato della migrazione. (2021, October 14). Bern und Zürich bieten Hand zur Aufnahme von Resettlement-Flüchtlingen [Bern and Zurich offer a hand to accept resettlement refugees] [Press release].