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Throughout 2021, several initiatives focused on improving cooperation with municipalities and regions on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection and migrants. The Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees published its new action plan for 2021-2022, listing seven actions for this period, related to access to health care, treatment of mental health concerns, the role of art and culture in integration, specific concerns of LGBTIQ migrants, evidence-based policymaking in cities, financial instruments to be used for integration by cities and children in migration.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2020). EASO Asylum Report 2020: 7.12. Content of protection.

The different arrangements for the collaboration between the local authorities and the Directorate General for Foreigners in France (DGEF) and the Interministerial Delegation for the Reception and Integration of Refugees (DIAIR) were harmonised and brought together under the framework of “Integration territories”. Local authorities who aim to be more involved in the integration of newly-arrived migrants, including beneficiaries of international protection, can receive financial support from the state through the territorial contracts for reception and integration, for more strategic local integration actions, and the territorial projects for reception and integration, for more punctual, smaller integration projects.European Website on Integration. (2021, June 3). France: « Territoires d’intégration » - une nouvelle démarche en faveur de l’intégration des étrangers primo-arrivants [France: “Integration territories” - a new approach in favor of the integration of newly arrived foreigners].…  In its report on multi-level governance for migrant integration, published in February 2022, the OECD cited the previous version of the territorial contracts for reception and integration, the territorial contracts for reception and integration of refugees, as an example of best practices to repeat.Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. (2022). Multi-level governance for migrant integration: Policy instruments from Austria, Canada, France, Germany and Italy. OECD Regional Development Papers (Vol. 24). OECD.…

The Dutch Inclusion and Community Platform developed guidance for municipalities on the integration of Eritrean beneficiaries of international protection. The organisation estimated that a special guide was necessary, as approximately 20,000 Eritreans lived in the Netherlands and studies found that their employment levels and Dutch language knowledge were lagging behind compared to other nationalities.Tinnemans, Kirsten; Asmoredjo, Jolanda & Yohannes, Ruth. (2021, June 21). Aan de slag met Eritrese statushouders in uw gemeente? [Getting started with Eritrean status holders in your municipality?]: Tips for municipalities and cooperation partners for supporting Eritrean status holders.…

The “Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus” project was launched in June 2021, as part of the Intercultural Cities Programme of the Council of Europe. The project aims to empower local stakeholders to be part of the integration process, and through this, support Cyprus in implementing its National Action Plan on the Integration of Third-Country Nationals 2020-2022.European Website on Integration. (2021, September 24). Cyprus: Building structures for intercultural integration.…

The Luxemburgish Minister for Family and Integration signed a pact with 18 municipalities supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of local integration activities.European Website on Integration. (2021, April 23). Luxembourg: Signature d'un pacte du vivre ensemble avec une douzaine de communes [Luxembourg: Signature of a living together pact with a dozen municipalities].…
The Swiss Federal Council opened consultations on adjusting the financing of cantonal integration measures under the new Swiss Integration Agenda. The federal government and cantons continued in 2021 with the initiation of the agenda’s implementation, first through undertaking the necessary legislative changes. They also decided to start a pilot in 2023 on monitoring progress towards the five efficiency objectives of the Integration Agenda. State Secretariat for Migration | Staatssekretariat für Migration | Secrétariat d’État aux migrations | Segreteria di Stato della migrazione. (2021, June 23). Agenda Intégration Suisse: la phase de projet est terminée et la consultation pour un nouveau financement est ouverte [Swiss Integration Agenda: the project phase is over and the consultation for new funding is open].

Among multi-stakeholder initiatives, the Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities in Croatia continued with the project "INCLuDE – Inter-sectoral cooperation in the empowerment of third-country nationals”, with co-funding from AMIF.European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021). EASO Asylum Report 2021: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union.  The Advisory Group of Third-Country Nationals and Persons of Migrant Origin was established, which will meet twice a year to support decision-makers with recommendations on the involvement of third-country nationals in political discussions and in the creation, implementation and evaluation of integration policies and strategies.European Website on Integration. (2021, June 6). Croatia's Office for Human Rights founds advisory group of third-country nationals and migrants.…  In addition, a handbook was drafted for representatives of local authorities to support them in designing and implementing integration activities.European Website on Integration. (2021, April 26). Integration of third-country nationals – handbook for the representatives of local self-government units.…  A number of informative videos were also launched, focusing on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection (see Section 4.9).European Website on Integration. (2021, September 15). Croatia: New videos provide information on the integration of international protection holders.…  The project "New Neighbours - Inclusion of persons under international protection in Croatian society” continued and an Open Day was held with panel discussions on the achievements, challenges and opportunities for integration and the role of religious communities.Ministry of the Interior | Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova. (2021, June 17). Održan Dan otvorenih vrata Novih susjeda [New Neighbours Open Day held].…

In Finland, the Integration Partnership Programme was launched in November 2020 to establish a nationwide network of integration and social inclusion actors, and over 140 stakeholders registered by March 2021European Website on Integration. (2021, March 1). Finland: Over 140 actors register for Integration Partnership Programme.…  and hold regular meetings.European Website on Integration. (2021, April 8). Finland: Next meeting of the Integration Partnership Programme.…

A report from the Migration Policy Institute and the Durable Solutions Platform looked into initiatives to foster partnerships and coordination in the context of the situation of Syrian refugees.Le Coz, C., Davidoff-Gore, S., Schmidt, T., Fratzke, S., Tanco, A., Belen Zanzuchi, M., & Bolter, J. (March 2021). A bridge to firmer ground: Learning from international experience to support pathways to solutions in the Syrian refugee context. Migration Policy Institute (MPI).…
To improve the involvement of grassroot organisations, the Greek Directorate for Social Integration started to register representative bodies of migrant and refugee communities to improve communication and cooperation between these organisations and the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Directorate of Social Integration | Υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης, Διεύθυνση Κοινωνικής Ένταξης. (2021, February 1). Καταγραφή Φορείς Συλλογικής Εκπροσώπησης [Registration of Collective Representation Bodies].…

