4.11.3. Providing interpretation
Boosting human resources to manage increased arrivals

Box 4.4 Interpreters from Afghanistan
Interpreters are usually employed by national authorities to provide assistance during the asylum procedure, but sometimes interpreters themselves are granted international protection as a result of the services they provide. This was the case in 2021 for Afghan interpreters cooperating with western forces during the war. Following the Afghanistan crisis, interpreters were one of the profiles evacuated or entitled to humanitarian admission in the EU 991and other countries 992 as they were in danger of being persecuted by the Taliban.
Quality assurance

To further finetune mechanisms of interpretation provision, EU+ countries focused on improving the quality of interpretation. One method was through specialised training to interpreters on the specific context of international protection. For example, interpreters in Portugal attended the EASO training module “Interpreting in the Asylum Context”.
In Italy, the IOM and NGOs organised periodic training for interpreters working in immigration offices. In addition, a platform is being developed for the exchange of information between the National Asylum Commission and territorial branches. It will contain a section for interpreters with training courses and other resources.
In Finland, new quality assurance modalities for interpretation services were put in place in 2021 after the launch of the project Tulppani in 2020. As of 2021, the International Protection Agency’s interpreters in Malta are bound by a code of conduct to increase professionalism and performance. The Swedish Migration Agency published a legal position on the requirements for interpreters and translators to work in the asylum context.993
In Slovenia, new copyright agreements were ongoing for translation and interpretation in international protection proceedings. And UNHCR updated the Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures in German.994
NGOs in Spain recommended that the authorities need to develop a training and certification mechanism to ensure quality. They called for resources to be invested in regular monitoring to address the gaps in specialised knowledge to interpret in the asylum and migration fields.995
Civil society organisations in Ireland reported deficiencies in training for interpreters in the asylum setting.996 UNHCR also pointed out the variations in the quality of interpretation in Ireland and stressed the need for a regulation on interpretation services.997 This was echoed by the Translators and Interpreters Association, which called for standardisation in the provision of interpreters in the asylum context.998 In addition, UNHCR stressed the need for a better selection and training of interpreters, for example those working with children999 and LGBTIQ applicants.1000
A study in Sweden revealed an urgent need to improve the quality of interpreters in asylum determination procedures, ensuring specific training modules and knowledge and sensitivity about the subject matter.1001
Interpreters in health care

There was a shortage of interpreters in all sectors connected with asylum and immigration in Croatia, especially in social services, education and health care.1002 Similarly, the Greek National Commission for Human Rights observed a wide gap in the provision of health and psychological services in Samos due in part to a lack of support from interpreters.1003 For example, the psychologist in the pre-removal detention centre in Kos does not have access to interpreters and therefore cannot communicate with most applicants.1004
The OFII medical service launched a pilot project in three major French cities (Marseille, Strasbourg and Toulouse) in June 2021. Medical screening is done in the presence of an interpreter for all new asylum applicants. In addition, the government plan on vulnerabilities, which was presented in May 2021, foresees improving interpretation and mediation in health care.
In Austria, Arabic and Dari-Farsi interpreters were engaged to assist doctors in their consultations with patients receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.1005 However. legal advisors noted that police doctors in detention facilities did not consult interpreters during a medical examination. 1006
In Spain, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child reported that the interpreter was not involved in the medical examination of a child undergoing an age assessment. A similar issue was reported in Czechia, where the Constitutional Court indicated a violation when an age assessment was held without interpretation.
Challenges in second instance procedures

There seemed to be particular challenges in providing interpretation for second instance asylum applications in 2021. In Portugal, for example, interpretation to prepare an appeal was difficult to secure, as the law does not specify if this expense is included in free legal aid.1007 In Estonia, the law firm must initially bear the costs of interpretation, which can be reimbursed once the proceeding is concluded. 1008 Similarly, interpretation for an appeal in Bulgaria is subject to the availability of funds of lawyers, who must pay for these services at their own expenses.1009
The Finnish Supreme Court ordered the reimbursement of interpretation costs after the Administrative Court rejected the fee as unjustified on the basis of the applicant’s allegedly good understanding of English. The Supreme Administrative Court in Finland also recognised procedural errors during an appeal by an Iraqi national whose hearing was held in Kurdish Soranese instead of Badini.
Hearings were disrupted in Ireland until May 2021, specifically for second instance procedures. In part this was due to general COVID-19 restrictions but also because providing interpretation for video hearings was not covered in the contract of interpreters.1010
Languages and dialect not covered

The lack of interpretation in certain languages continued to be reported in several Member States. NGOs highlighted the shortage of specific languages in Croatia, resulting in overburdening existing resources and undermining the quality of services. There was also a lack of female interpreters.1011 Authorities mentioned similar issues in Belgium, where female interpreters for Somali were limited and interpreters were not available for some rare African languages. Norway, at the same time, pointed out that they did not have enough interpreters immediately fort Uyghurs, when the authority suddenly received an increased number of applications.
NGOs reported that there was a serious shortage of interpreters in Spain for applicants who do not speak English, French or Arabic.1012 In particular, this was seen on the Canary Island, where interpretation was not available for a number of languages and dialects spoken in several sub-Saharan African countries, in addition to insufficient interpreters for Wolof, Bambara and Moroccan dialects. The shortage led to situation where interpretation was given as a collective service or not provided at all.1013
- 975Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights | Επίτροπος Διοικήσεως και Προστασίας Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων. (2021, December 31). Εκθεση σχετικά με την επίσκεψη ημερομηνίας 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021 στο χώρο κράτησης απαγορευμένων μεταναστών στη Μενόγεια (ΧΩΚΑΜ) [Report of the visit on 20 September 2021 at the detention centre of illegal migrants at Menogeia (DCIM)]. http://www.ombudsman.gov.cy/ombudsman/ombudsman.nsf/All/FB1778C45E7E5870C22587D40044B825/$file/XOKAM_5.pdf?OpenElement
- 976Waldensian Diaconate | Diaconia Valdese. (2021, August 22). Monitoraggio prassi illegittime - Report sulle prassi riscontrate presso le Questure italiane [Monitoring of Illegal practices - Report on the practices at the Italian Immigration Police Offices]. https://www.asgi.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/MONITORAGGIO_prassi-Questure.pdf
- 977Ministry of the Interior | Ministero dell'Interno. (2021, June 8). Minori non accompagnati, accordo tra Viminale e Terre des Hommes per nuove misure di sostegno [Unaccompanied minors, agreement between Viminal and Terres des Hommes for new support measures] [Press release]. https://www.interno.gov.it/it/notizie/minori-non-accompagnati-accordo-viminale-e-terre-des-hommes-nuove-misure-sostegno
- 978METAdrasi - Action for Migration and Development | ΜΕΤΑδραση – Δράση για τη Μετανάστευση και την Ανάπτυξη. (2021, November 15). 2020 Annual Report: 1st of January 2020 – 31st of December 2020. (According to the law 4308/2014). https://metadrasi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Annual-report-2020_EN.pdf
- 979United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund. (2021, September 30). Greece – Refugee and migrant response: Overview: Gender-based violence programme. https://www.unicef.org/eca/media/18121/file/GBV_Greece_Fachtsheet___September_2021.pdf
- 980Ministry of Interior | Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerija. (2021, August 3). Raudonasis Kryžius: mūsų ekspertai ir savanoriai padės užtikrinti efektyvią komunikaciją su migrantais [Red Cross: Our experts and volunteers will help ensure effective communication with migrants]. https://vrm.lrv.lt/lt/naujienos/raudonasis-kryzius-musu-ekspertai-ir-savanoriai-pades-uztikrinti-efektyvia-komunikacija-su-migrantais
- 981Ministry of the interior | Lekšlietu ministrija. (2021, August 18). Aktuālie jautājumi uz Latvijas-Baltkrievijas robežas: tulku trūkums, termiņuzturēšanās atļaujas pierobežā un individuāli izvērtējumi [Current issues on the Latvian-Belarusian border: lack of interpreters, temporary residence permits at the border and individual assessments] [Press release]. https://www.iem.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/aktualie-jautajumi-uz-latvijas-baltkrievijas-robezas-tulku-trukums-terminuzturesanas-atlaujas-pierobeza-un-individuali-izvertejumi-0?utm_source=https%3A%2F%2Feuc-word-edit.officeapps.live.com%2F
- 982European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021, September 9). Operating plan agreed by EASO and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/Operating_Plan_EASO_Latvia_0.pdf
- 983European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021, September 14). Operating plan agreed by EASO and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania. https://euaa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/Amendment_Operating%20Plan_EASO_Lithuania_14.09.2021.pdf
- 984European Union Agency for Asylum. (2021, December 16). Belgium: EASO launches operation to support reception authorities. https://euaa.europa.eu/news-events/belgium-easo-launches-operation-support-reception-authorities
- 985European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, November 4). Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2021-legal-aid-in-return_en.pdf
- 986European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2021). Boosting asylum in Spain - Making the most out of AMIF funding: ECRE's recommendations for Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) spending in Spain. Policy Note 37. https://ecre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Policy-Note-37.pdf
- 987Estonian National Broadcasting | Eesti Rahvusringhääling. (2021, July 8). PPA: Estonia could cope with mass immigration, but needs more translators. https://news.err.ee/1608270594/ppa-estonia-could-cope-with-mass-immigration-but-needs-more-translators
- 988Ombudsman | Омбудсман на Република България. (2021). Annual Report of the Ombudsman acting as National Preventive Mechanism 2020. https://www.ombudsman.bg/pictures/Annual%20Report%20NPM%202020%20-%20SUMMARY_EN_.pdf
- 989United Nations, Committee against Torture. (2021, December 21). Concluding observations on the 4th periodic report of Lithuania. CAT/C/LTU/CO/4. https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3954251?ln=en
- 990Office if the Seimas Ombudsmen | Lietuvos Seimo Kontrolieriai. (2021, October 11). Regarding the Lithuanian submission to the UN Committee Against Torture for the review of the 4th Periodic Report of the Republic of Lithuania (NHRI and NPM reporting). https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CAT/Shared%20Documents/LTU/INT_CAT_NHS_LTU_46978_E.pdf
- 991European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (December 2021). Afghans seeking protection in Europe: ECRE's compilation of information on evacuations, pathways to protection and access to asylum in Europe for Afghans since August 2021. https://ecre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Evacuations-pathways-to-protection-and-access-to-asylum-for-Afghans-in-Europe_FINAL.pdf
- 992Human Rights Watch. (2021, June 8). Afghanistan: Exiting Forces Should Protect Interpreters: NATO Members, Australia Should Expedite Relocation of Local Staff. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/08/afghanistan-exiting-forces-should-protect-interpreters
- 993Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket. (2021, February 2). Rättsligt ställningstagande. Lämplighetsprövning av tolkar och översättare - RS/001/2021 [Legal position. Assessment of the suitability of interpreters and translators - RS/001/2021]. https://lifos.migrationsverket.se/dokument?documentSummaryId=45242
- 994United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2021). Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren [Training handbook for interpreters in the asylum procedure] (2nd updated edition). https://www.refworld.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/rwmain/opendocpdf.pdf?reldoc=y&docid=618a84434
- 995European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2021). Boosting asylum in Spain - Making the most out of AMIF funding: ECRE's recommendations for Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) spending in Spain. Policy Note 37. https://ecre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Policy-Note-37.pdf
- 996The Irish Times. (2021, August 14). Lost in translation: ‘You can be shocked by the bad news you have to interpret’: Lack of minimum standards for interpreters has knock-on effect for vulnerable people. https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/lost-in-translation-you-can-be-shocked-by-the-bad-news-you-have-to-interpret-1.4644674
- 997European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, September 24). Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns: Bulletin 2 [Quarterly Bulletin]. https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2021/migration-key-fundamental-rights-concerns-bulletin-2-2021
- 998TheJournal.ie. (2021, April 24). Poor interpreting having impact on patients, victims of crime and those seeking asylum. https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/interpreter-inadequate-service-5388479-Apr2021/
- 999United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2021, November 28). Technical Guidance: Child-friendly Procedures. https://www.refworld.org/docid/61b7355a4.html
- 1000United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (June 2021). LGBTIQ+ Persons in Forced Displacement and Statelessness: Protection and Solutions [Discussion Paper]. https://www.refworld.org/docid/611e16944.html
- 1001Migration Studies Delegation | Delegationen för migrationsstudier (2021, May 5). Tolkfunktionen i asylprocessen [Interpretation in the asylum process]. https://www.delmi.se/en/publications/knowledge-overview-2021-4-the-interpretation-functions-in-the-asylum-determination-process/
- 1002Swiss Refugee Council | Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe | Organisation suisse d’aide aux réfugiés. (2021, December 20). Situation of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection with mental health problems in Croatia: Report and recommendations of the Swiss Refugee Council. https://www.osar.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Publikationen/Dublinlaenderberichte/211220_Croatia_final.pdf
- 1003Greek National Commission for Human Rights | Εθνική Επιτροπή για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου, & European Network of Human Rights Institutions. (2021, July 14). National Report on the situation of human rights of migrants at the borders: Executive Summary. https://www.nchr.gr/images/English_Site/PROSFYGES/Greek-Executive-Summary.pdf
- 1004Equal Rights Beyond Borders. (2021, July 3). Consequences of the EU-Turkey Statement: The Situation of Syrian Asylum Seekers on the Greek Aegean Islands. https://equal-rights.org/site/assets/files/1300/210705-consequences_of_the_eu-turkey_statement_equalrights.pdf
- 1005Austrian Integration Fund | Österreichische Integrationsfonds. (2021, September 24). COVID-19-Impfstraße im ÖIF-Integrationszentrum Wien [COVID-19 vaccination route in the ÖIF integration center in Vienna]. https://www.integrationsfonds.at/positionen-des-direktors/beitrag/covid-19-impfstrasse-im-oeif-integrationszentrum-wien-11692/
- 1006European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, November 4). Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2021-legal-aid-in-return_en.pdf
- 1007European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, November 4). Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2021-legal-aid-in-return_en.pdf
- 1008European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, November 4). Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2021-legal-aid-in-return_en.pdf
- 1009European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (2021, November 4). Legal aid for returnees deprived of liberty. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2021-legal-aid-in-return_en.pdf
- 1010Dublin InQuirer. (2021, July 28). Pleading for Sanctuary Through a Language Barrier Was Tricky Enough - Doing That Online Is Even Harder, Some Asylum Seekers Say. https://www.dublininquirer.com/2021/07/28/pleading-for-sanctuary-through-a-language-barrier-was-tricky-enough-doing-that-online-is-even-harder-some-asylum-seekers-say
- 1011Swiss Refugee Council | Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe | Organisation suisse d’aide aux réfugiés. (2021, December 20). Situation of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection with mental health problems in Croatia: Report and recommendations of the Swiss Refugee Council. https://www.osar.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Publikationen/Dublinlaenderberichte/211220_Croatia_final.pdf
- 1012European Council on Refugees and Exiles. (2021). Boosting asylum in Spain - Making the most out of AMIF funding: ECRE's recommendations for Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) spending in Spain. Policy Note 37. https://ecre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Policy-Note-37.pdf
- 1013Spanish Ombudsman | Defensor Del Pueblo. (2021). Migration on the Canary Islands. https://www.defensordelpueblo.es/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/INFORME_Canarias-EN.pdf